2. Relational Database Concepts
4. NewSQL Databases
MongoDB Tutorial - 3. NoSQL Databases

3.1 Introduction to NoSQL Databases

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases provide a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases (SQL). NoSQL is particularly useful for working with large sets of distributed data. Some of the main characteristics of NoSQL databases include:

  1. Schema-free data models: NoSQL databases often allow for more flexible, schema-less data models.
  2. Horizontal scalability: NoSQL databases are designed to scale out by distributing the data across many servers.
  3. High availability and fault tolerance: Many NoSQL databases offer strong mechanisms to ensure data is available even in the event of server failures.
  4. Variety of data models: NoSQL databases come in various types, such as document databases, key-value stores, column-family stores, and graph databases.

MongoDB: A Popular NoSQL Database

MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database that uses a document-oriented data model. Instead of storing data in tables as rows and columns, MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents. This allows for more natural data structures that map to objects in application code.

Key Features of MongoDB

  1. Document-based Storage: Data is stored in BSON (Binary JSON) format, allowing for complex nested data structures.
  2. Dynamic Schema: MongoDB is schema-less, which means that documents in a collection do not need to have the same set of fields.
  3. Indexing: MongoDB supports a variety of indexing techniques to improve query performance.
  4. Replication: MongoDB supports replica sets, providing high availability and data redundancy.
  5. Sharding: MongoDB supports horizontal scaling through sharding, distributing data across multiple servers.
  6. Aggregation Framework: MongoDB has a powerful aggregation framework for data analysis and transformation.

Example: Working with MongoDB

To illustrate how MongoDB works, let's go through an example of creating a database, inserting documents, and performing queries.

Setup and Installation

First, you need to install MongoDB. Detailed installation instructions can be found on the official MongoDB website.

Connecting to MongoDB

You can interact with MongoDB using various drivers or through the MongoDB Shell. For this example, we'll use the MongoDB Shell.

Step 1: Start the MongoDB Server


Step 2: Open the MongoDB Shell


Step 3: Create a Database

use myDatabase

Step 4: Create a Collection and Insert Documents

db.myCollection.insertMany([ { name: "John Doe", age: 30, city: "New York", interests: ["reading", "travelling"] }, { name: "Jane Smith", age: 25, city: "San Francisco", interests: ["music", "photography"] }, { name: "Sam Brown", age: 20, city: "Chicago", interests: ["sports", "cooking"] } ])

Step 5: Query the Collection

// Find all documents db.myCollection.find().pretty() // Find documents with a specific condition db.myCollection.find({ age: { $gt: 25 } }).pretty() // Update a document db.myCollection.updateOne({ name: "John Doe" }, { $set: { city: "Boston" } }) // Delete a document db.myCollection.deleteOne({ name: "Sam Brown" })

Example Output

  1. Inserting Documents

    Output after inserting documents:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60d9f481f2947b4e8ad88a5e"), ObjectId("60d9f481f2947b4e8ad88a5f"), ObjectId("60d9f481f2947b4e8ad88a60") ] }
  2. Querying Documents

    Query: db.myCollection.find().pretty()


    { "_id": ObjectId("60d9f481f2947b4e8ad88a5e"), "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York", "interests": ["reading", "travelling"] }, { "_id": ObjectId("60d9f481f2947b4e8ad88a5f"), "name": "Jane Smith", "age": 25, "city": "San Francisco", "interests": ["music", "photography"] }, { "_id": ObjectId("60d9f481f2947b4e8ad88a60"), "name": "Sam Brown", "age": 20, "city": "Chicago", "interests": ["sports", "cooking"] }

    Query: db.myCollection.find({ age: { $gt: 25 } }).pretty()


    { "_id": ObjectId("60d9f481f2947b4e8ad88a5e"), "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York", "interests": ["reading", "travelling"] }
  3. Updating a Document

    Output after updating:

    { "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }
  4. Deleting a Document

    Output after deleting:

    { "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }


MongoDB provides a flexible and scalable solution for modern application data storage. Its document-oriented approach allows for a natural and dynamic data model that can evolve over time without the constraints of a fixed schema. By understanding the basics of MongoDB, you can leverage its powerful features to build robust and efficient data-driven applications.

Overview of NoSQL databases and their characteristics

Overview of NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases are designed to handle a wide variety of data models, including key-value, document, column-family, and graph formats. They are known for their ability to handle large volumes of unstructured data and provide high performance, scalability, and flexibility. The main characteristics of NoSQL databases are:

  1. Schema Flexibility: NoSQL databases allow for dynamic schemas, meaning the structure of the data can evolve without requiring a predefined schema.
  2. Horizontal Scalability: They can scale out horizontally by adding more servers to distribute the load, making them ideal for large-scale data storage and processing.
  3. High Availability: NoSQL databases are designed to be highly available and fault-tolerant, often using replication and distributed data storage.
  4. Performance: They are optimized for high read/write throughput and can handle large volumes of data with low latency.
  5. Diverse Data Models: NoSQL databases support various data models such as key-value pairs, document-oriented, column-family, and graph databases.

MongoDB: A NoSQL Database

MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases. It is a document-oriented database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents. MongoDB's key characteristics include:

  1. Document-Based Storage: Data is stored as BSON (Binary JSON) documents, which allows for complex nested data structures.
  2. Dynamic Schema: MongoDB allows for schema-less data storage, enabling documents in a collection to have different fields.
  3. Indexing: Supports various types of indexes to improve query performance.
  4. Replication: Uses replica sets for high availability and automatic failover.
  5. Sharding: Provides horizontal scalability by distributing data across multiple servers.
  6. Aggregation Framework: Offers powerful tools for data aggregation and transformation.

Example: Using MongoDB

Let's go through an example of creating a MongoDB database, inserting documents, and performing various operations.

Step-by-Step Example

Step 1: Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB by following the instructions on the official MongoDB website.

Step 2: Start MongoDB Server

Start the MongoDB server using the following command:

Step 3: Open the MongoDB Shell

Open the MongoDB shell by running:

Step 4: Create a Database

Create a new database:

use exampleDB
Step 5: Create a Collection and Insert Documents

Insert documents into a collection:

db.users.insertMany([ { name: "Alice", age: 28, city: "Seattle", interests: ["hiking", "music"] }, { name: "Bob", age: 32, city: "Chicago", interests: ["photography", "traveling"] }, { name: "Charlie", age: 24, city: "New York", interests: ["coding", "reading"] } ])
Step 6: Query the Collection

Retrieve documents from the collection:

// Find all documents db.users.find().pretty() // Find documents with a specific condition db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } }).pretty() // Update a document db.users.updateOne({ name: "Alice" }, { $set: { city: "Portland" } }) // Delete a document db.users.deleteOne({ name: "Charlie" })

Example Output

  1. Inserting Documents

    Output after inserting documents:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3") ] }
  2. Querying Documents

    Query: db.users.find().pretty()


    { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "city": "Seattle", "interests": ["hiking", "music"] }, { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), "name": "Bob", "age": 32, "city": "Chicago", "interests": ["photography", "traveling"] }, { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3"), "name": "Charlie", "age": 24, "city": "New York", "interests": ["coding", "reading"] }

    Query: db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } }).pretty()


    { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), "name": "Bob", "age": 32, "city": "Chicago", "interests": ["photography", "traveling"] }
  3. Updating a Document

    Output after updating:

    { "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }
  4. Deleting a Document

    Output after deleting:

    { "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }


MongoDB, as a NoSQL database, provides a flexible and scalable solution for modern application data storage. Its document-oriented approach allows for dynamic and natural data structures, making it ideal for various use cases, including big data applications, real-time analytics, and content management systems. By understanding the basics of MongoDB, developers can leverage its powerful features to build robust and efficient data-driven applications.

Key differences between NoSQL and relational databases

Key Differences Between NoSQL and Relational Databases

Relational databases (SQL) and NoSQL databases differ significantly in their design philosophies, data models, and usage scenarios. Understanding these differences is crucial for choosing the right database for a specific application.

1. Data Model

  • Relational Databases (SQL):

    • Use a tabular schema with predefined columns and data types.
    • Relationships are established through foreign keys.
    • Data normalization is used to eliminate redundancy.
  • NoSQL Databases:

    • Use flexible, schema-less data models.
    • Common models include document, key-value, column-family, and graph.
    • Emphasis on denormalization and embedding data to improve read performance.

2. Schema Flexibility

  • Relational Databases:

    • Require a predefined schema.
    • Schema changes can be complex and disruptive.
  • NoSQL Databases:

    • Schema-less, allowing for dynamic and flexible data structures.
    • Easy to add new fields or change the structure of documents.

3. Scalability

  • Relational Databases:

    • Typically scale vertically by increasing the capacity of a single server.
    • Horizontal scaling (sharding) is complex and less common.
  • NoSQL Databases:

    • Designed for horizontal scalability by distributing data across multiple servers.
    • Easier to scale out by adding more nodes to the cluster.

4. Data Integrity and ACID Compliance

  • Relational Databases:

    • Strong adherence to ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties.
    • Suitable for applications requiring complex transactions and data integrity.
  • NoSQL Databases:

    • May relax some ACID properties to achieve higher performance and scalability.
    • CAP theorem: Trade-offs between Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance.

5. Query Language

  • Relational Databases:

    • Use SQL (Structured Query Language) for defining and manipulating data.
    • Rich query capabilities and support for complex joins.
  • NoSQL Databases:

    • Use various query languages depending on the data model.
    • Example: MongoDB uses a JSON-like query language.

Example: MongoDB vs. Relational Database

Let's compare an example using MongoDB (a NoSQL database) and a relational database.

Scenario: Storing User Information

Relational Database (SQL)

Table Schema:

CREATE TABLE users ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(100), age INT, city VARCHAR(100), interests TEXT ); CREATE TABLE interests ( user_id INT, interest VARCHAR(100), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) );

Inserting Data:

INSERT INTO users (name, age, city) VALUES ('Alice', 28, 'Seattle'); INSERT INTO interests (user_id, interest) VALUES (1, 'hiking'), (1, 'music');

Querying Data:

SELECT users.name, users.age, users.city, interests.interest FROM users JOIN interests ON users.id = interests.user_id;


MongoDB (NoSQL)

Document Structure:

{ "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "city": "Seattle", "interests": ["hiking", "music"] }

Inserting Data:

db.users.insertOne({ name: "Alice", age: 28, city: "Seattle", interests: ["hiking", "music"] });

Querying Data:

db.users.find({ name: "Alice" }).pretty();


{ "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "city": "Seattle", "interests": ["hiking", "music"] }

Key Differences Illustrated in Example

  1. Data Model:

    • SQL uses a structured schema with separate tables for users and interests, requiring a join operation to retrieve related data.
    • MongoDB embeds related data within a single document, making it easier to query without joins.
  2. Schema Flexibility:

    • Adding a new field to the SQL table requires an ALTER TABLE statement.
    • In MongoDB, you can add new fields to the document structure on the fly without any schema changes.
  3. Scalability:

    • SQL databases may require complex sharding strategies for horizontal scaling.
    • MongoDB natively supports sharding, making it easier to distribute data across multiple servers.
  4. Query Language:

    • SQL uses a standardized query language for complex joins and data manipulation.
    • MongoDB uses a JSON-like query language, which can be more intuitive for developers working with JSON data structures.


Relational databases and NoSQL databases each have their strengths and are suited to different types of applications. Relational databases excel in applications requiring complex transactions and data integrity, while NoSQL databases like MongoDB offer flexibility, scalability, and performance for handling large volumes of unstructured data. By understanding the key differences, developers can choose the appropriate database technology to meet their application's needs.

3.2 Types of NoSQL Databases

Document-oriented databases

Document-Oriented Databases

Document-oriented databases, a type of NoSQL database, store data as documents. Each document is a self-contained unit of data that can contain nested structures like lists and other documents. This model is particularly flexible and aligns well with how data is represented in object-oriented programming languages. MongoDB is one of the most popular document-oriented databases.

Characteristics of Document-Oriented Databases

  1. Schema Flexibility: Documents in a collection can have different structures.
  2. Nested Data Structures: Documents can contain arrays and sub-documents, allowing complex data representations.
  3. Self-Contained Documents: Each document contains all the information for a single entity, reducing the need for joins.
  4. Dynamic Schema: Easy to add, remove, or update fields without affecting other documents.
  5. Scalability: Designed to scale horizontally by distributing data across multiple servers.

MongoDB: A Document-Oriented Database

MongoDB stores data in BSON (Binary JSON) format, allowing for rich, nested data structures. The primary unit of data in MongoDB is the document, which is stored in collections.

Key Features of MongoDB

  1. Dynamic Schema: No need to define the schema upfront. You can add fields as needed.
  2. Indexing: Supports various types of indexes for efficient query execution.
  3. Aggregation Framework: Provides powerful tools for data aggregation and analysis.
  4. Replication: Ensures high availability and data redundancy through replica sets.
  5. Sharding: Distributes data across multiple servers to handle large-scale data and high throughput.

Example: Using MongoDB

Let's go through an example of creating a database, inserting documents, and performing queries in MongoDB.

Step-by-Step Example

Step 1: Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB by following the instructions on the official MongoDB website.

Step 2: Start MongoDB Server

Start the MongoDB server using the following command:

Step 3: Open the MongoDB Shell

Open the MongoDB shell by running:

Step 4: Create a Database

Create a new database called exampleDB:

use exampleDB
Step 5: Create a Collection and Insert Documents

Insert documents into a collection called users:

db.users.insertMany([ { name: "Alice", age: 28, city: "Seattle", interests: ["hiking", "music"] }, { name: "Bob", age: 32, city: "Chicago", interests: ["photography", "traveling"] }, { name: "Charlie", age: 24, city: "New York", interests: ["coding", "reading"] } ])
Step 6: Query the Collection

Retrieve documents from the collection:

// Find all documents db.users.find().pretty() // Find documents with a specific condition db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } }).pretty() // Update a document db.users.updateOne({ name: "Alice" }, { $set: { city: "Portland" } }) // Delete a document db.users.deleteOne({ name: "Charlie" })

Example Output

  1. Inserting Documents

    Output after inserting documents:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3") ] }
  2. Querying Documents

    Query: db.users.find().pretty()


    [ { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "city": "Seattle", "interests": ["hiking", "music"] }, { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), "name": "Bob", "age": 32, "city": "Chicago", "interests": ["photography", "traveling"] }, { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3"), "name": "Charlie", "age": 24, "city": "New York", "interests": ["coding", "reading"] } ]

    Query: db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } }).pretty()


    [ { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), "name": "Bob", "age": 32, "city": "Chicago", "interests": ["photography", "traveling"] } ]
  3. Updating a Document

    Output after updating:

    { "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }
  4. Deleting a Document

    Output after deleting:

    { "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }


MongoDB, as a document-oriented database, offers a flexible and powerful way to store and manage data. Its document model aligns well with modern application development, allowing for complex, nested data structures and dynamic schemas. By understanding how to use MongoDB's features effectively, you can build scalable and efficient data-driven applications.

Key-value stores

Key-value stores are a simple type of NoSQL database where data is stored as a collection of key-value pairs. Each key is unique and is used to retrieve the associated value. Key-value stores are known for their simplicity, high performance, and scalability, making them suitable for applications that require fast read and write operations.

While MongoDB is primarily known as a document-oriented database, it can also be used to implement key-value store functionality. This can be achieved by using the MongoDB collection to store documents where each document represents a key-value pair.

Key Characteristics of Key-Value Stores

  1. Simplicity: The basic data model of key-value pairs is easy to understand and implement.
  2. High Performance: Optimized for fast read and write operations.
  3. Scalability: Can be scaled horizontally by distributing data across multiple servers.
  4. Flexibility: Values can be simple data types or complex data structures.

Example: Implementing Key-Value Store in MongoDB

Let's go through an example of how to implement a key-value store using MongoDB. We will create a collection to store key-value pairs and perform various operations such as inserting, retrieving, updating, and deleting key-value pairs.

Step-by-Step Example

Step 1: Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB by following the instructions on the official MongoDB website.

Step 2: Start MongoDB Server

Start the MongoDB server using the following command:

Step 3: Open the MongoDB Shell

Open the MongoDB shell by running:

Step 4: Create a Database

Create a new database called kvStoreDB:

use kvStoreDB
Step 5: Create a Collection and Insert Key-Value Pairs

Create a collection called kvCollection and insert key-value pairs:

db.kvCollection.insertMany([ { key: "username:1", value: "Alice" }, { key: "username:2", value: "Bob" }, { key: "username:3", value: "Charlie" } ])
Step 6: Retrieve a Value by Key

Retrieve a value using a key:

db.kvCollection.findOne({ key: "username:2" })
Step 7: Update a Value

Update a value for a specific key:

db.kvCollection.updateOne({ key: "username:1" }, { $set: { value: "Alicia" } })
Step 8: Delete a Key-Value Pair

Delete a key-value pair using a key:

db.kvCollection.deleteOne({ key: "username:3" })

Example Output

  1. Inserting Key-Value Pairs

    Output after inserting key-value pairs:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3") ] }
  2. Retrieving a Value by Key

    Query: db.kvCollection.findOne({ key: "username:2" })


    { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), "key": "username:2", "value": "Bob" }
  3. Updating a Value

    Output after updating:

    { "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }
  4. Deleting a Key-Value Pair

    Output after deleting:

    { "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }


MongoDB, while primarily a document-oriented database, can also function effectively as a key-value store. This flexibility allows developers to leverage MongoDB's powerful features, such as indexing and replication, in scenarios where a simple key-value data model is appropriate. By following the example provided, you can implement and use key-value store functionality in MongoDB for applications requiring fast and scalable data access.

Columnar databases

While MongoDB is primarily a document-oriented database and does not natively support columnar storage like column-family databases (such as Apache Cassandra or HBase), you can still structure your data in a way that mimics some of the characteristics of columnar databases. Columnar databases are optimized for reading and writing columns of data rather than rows, which can be beneficial for certain types of analytical queries.

Here’s how you can structure and query data in MongoDB to take advantage of some columnar database principles.

Key Characteristics of Columnar Databases

  1. Columnar Storage: Data is stored and retrieved by columns rather than rows.
  2. Efficient Aggregation: Aggregations and analytical queries are faster because they only scan the relevant columns.
  3. Data Compression: Columns with similar data types and values can be highly compressed.
  4. Read Optimization: Optimized for read-heavy workloads, especially those involving large-scale analytics.

Simulating Columnar Storage in MongoDB

While MongoDB doesn't store data in a columnar format, you can structure your documents to optimize for certain columnar-like queries. This involves creating documents where related fields (columns) are grouped together, and using MongoDB's aggregation framework to perform efficient queries.

Example: Using MongoDB for Columnar-like Queries

Step-by-Step Example

Step 1: Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB by following the instructions on the official MongoDB website.

Step 2: Start MongoDB Server

Start the MongoDB server using the following command:

Step 3: Open the MongoDB Shell

Open the MongoDB shell by running:

Step 4: Create a Database

Create a new database called columnarDB:

use columnarDB
Step 5: Create a Collection and Insert Documents

Insert documents into a collection called sales:

db.sales.insertMany([ { product: "A", year: 2021, revenue: 150, cost: 120 }, { product: "B", year: 2021, revenue: 200, cost: 180 }, { product: "A", year: 2022, revenue: 180, cost: 130 }, { product: "B", year: 2022, revenue: 220, cost: 190 } ])
Step 6: Perform Aggregation Queries

Perform aggregation queries to simulate columnar operations:

// Aggregate total revenue by year db.sales.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$year", totalRevenue: { $sum: "$revenue" } } } ]) // Aggregate average cost by product db.sales.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$product", averageCost: { $avg: "$cost" } } } ])

Example Output

  1. Inserting Documents

    Output after inserting documents:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e4") ] }
  2. Aggregating Total Revenue by Year

    Query: db.sales.aggregate([{ $group: { _id: "$year", totalRevenue: { $sum: "$revenue" } } }])


    [ { "_id": 2021, "totalRevenue": 350 }, { "_id": 2022, "totalRevenue": 400 } ]
  3. Aggregating Average Cost by Product

    Query: db.sales.aggregate([{ $group: { _id: "$product", averageCost: { $avg: "$cost" } } }])


    [ { "_id": "A", "averageCost": 125 }, { "_id": "B", "averageCost": 185 } ]


Although MongoDB is not a columnar database, its powerful aggregation framework allows you to perform operations that are characteristic of columnar databases. By structuring your data appropriately and using the aggregation pipeline, you can efficiently perform analytical queries that benefit from columnar-like processing.

For true columnar storage and performance, you may need to consider dedicated column-family databases like Apache Cassandra or columnar data stores like Apache Parquet used in conjunction with big data processing frameworks. However, MongoDB can still serve as a flexible solution for applications that require a mix of document-oriented and columnar-like capabilities.

Graph databases

While MongoDB is primarily a document-oriented database, it can also be used to represent and query graph data structures. This involves modeling relationships between documents explicitly and leveraging MongoDB’s features to perform graph-like queries. This approach is not as native as using a dedicated graph database like Neo4j, but it can be effective for certain use cases.

Characteristics of Graph Databases

  1. Nodes and Edges: Nodes represent entities, and edges represent relationships between nodes.
  2. Flexibility: Capable of representing complex relationships and traversals.
  3. Optimized for Relationships: Efficient querying of interconnected data.
  4. Scalability: Designed to handle large-scale graph data.

Modeling Graph Data in MongoDB

In MongoDB, you can model graph data by using collections to represent nodes and edges. Each document can contain references to other documents, representing relationships.

Example: Representing a Social Network Graph in MongoDB

Step-by-Step Example

Step 1: Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB by following the instructions on the official MongoDB website.

Step 2: Start MongoDB Server

Start the MongoDB server using the following command:

Step 3: Open the MongoDB Shell

Open the MongoDB shell by running:

Step 4: Create a Database

Create a new database called graphDB:

use graphDB
Step 5: Create Collections for Nodes and Edges

Create collections called users (nodes) and relationships (edges):

db.createCollection("users") db.createCollection("relationships")
Step 6: Insert Nodes (Users)

Insert documents representing users:

db.users.insertMany([ { _id: 1, name: "Alice" }, { _id: 2, name: "Bob" }, { _id: 3, name: "Charlie" } ])
Step 7: Insert Edges (Relationships)

Insert documents representing relationships between users:

db.relationships.insertMany([ { from: 1, to: 2, type: "friend" }, { from: 2, to: 3, type: "friend" }, { from: 1, to: 3, type: "follow" } ])
Step 8: Query the Graph

Perform queries to retrieve relationships and traverse the graph:

// Find all friends of Alice db.relationships.aggregate([ { $match: { from: 1, type: "friend" } }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "to", foreignField: "_id", as: "friends" } }, { $unwind: "$friends" }, { $project: { _id: 0, friendName: "$friends.name" } } ]) // Find all users followed by Alice db.relationships.aggregate([ { $match: { from: 1, type: "follow" } }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "to", foreignField: "_id", as: "follows" } }, { $unwind: "$follows" }, { $project: { _id: 0, followName: "$follows.name" } } ])

Example Output

  1. Inserting Nodes (Users)

    Output after inserting users:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [1, 2, 3] }
  2. Inserting Edges (Relationships)

    Output after inserting relationships:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3") ] }
  3. Finding All Friends of Alice

    Query: db.relationships.aggregate([{ $match: { from: 1, type: "friend" } }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "to", foreignField: "_id", as: "friends" } }, { $unwind: "$friends" }, { $project: { _id: 0, friendName: "$friends.name" } }])


    [ { "friendName": "Bob" } ]
  4. Finding All Users Followed by Alice

    Query: db.relationships.aggregate([{ $match: { from: 1, type: "follow" } }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "to", foreignField: "_id", as: "follows" } }, { $unwind: "$follows" }, { $project: { _id: 0, followName: "$follows.name" } }])


    [ { "followName": "Charlie" } ]


While MongoDB is not a native graph database, it can be used to model and query graph-like structures using its collections and aggregation framework. This approach leverages MongoDB’s flexibility and powerful querying capabilities to handle graph data. For applications requiring complex graph operations and optimizations, dedicated graph databases like Neo4j might be more suitable. However, MongoDB offers a versatile alternative for integrating graph data within a broader NoSQL context.

Wide-column stores

Wide-column stores, also known as column-family stores, are a type of NoSQL database that stores data in columns rather than rows. This structure allows for efficient storage and retrieval of sparse data and is particularly useful for analytical queries. While MongoDB is a document-oriented database, it can be adapted to mimic some features of wide-column stores by leveraging its flexible document schema and powerful aggregation framework.

Characteristics of Wide-Column Stores

  1. Column-Family Storage: Data is organized into column families, where each row can have a different set of columns.
  2. Efficient Reads/Writes: Optimized for reading and writing large volumes of data.
  3. Scalability: Designed to scale horizontally across many servers.
  4. Sparse Data: Can efficiently handle sparse data where not all rows have the same columns.

Modeling Wide-Column Data in MongoDB

In MongoDB, you can represent wide-column store concepts by organizing documents to capture the idea of rows and columns. Each document can represent a row, and the keys within the document can represent columns.

Example: Representing Sensor Data in MongoDB

Step-by-Step Example

Step 1: Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB by following the instructions on the official MongoDB website.

Step 2: Start MongoDB Server

Start the MongoDB server using the following command:

Step 3: Open the MongoDB Shell

Open the MongoDB shell by running:

Step 4: Create a Database

Create a new database called wideColumnDB:

use wideColumnDB
Step 5: Create a Collection and Insert Documents

Create a collection called sensorData and insert documents representing rows with various columns:

db.sensorData.insertMany([ { sensorId: 1, timestamp: "2024-06-01T12:00:00Z", temperature: 22.5, humidity: 60 }, { sensorId: 1, timestamp: "2024-06-01T13:00:00Z", temperature: 23.0, pressure: 1012 }, { sensorId: 2, timestamp: "2024-06-01T12:00:00Z", temperature: 21.0, humidity: 55, pressure: 1010 } ])
Step 6: Query the Data

Perform queries to retrieve and aggregate data, simulating wide-column store operations:

// Find all data for sensorId 1 db.sensorData.find({ sensorId: 1 }).pretty() // Aggregate average temperature for each sensor db.sensorData.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$sensorId", averageTemperature: { $avg: "$temperature" } } } ]) // Find latest reading for each sensor db.sensorData.aggregate([ { $sort: { timestamp: -1 } }, { $group: { _id: "$sensorId", latestReading: { $first: "$$ROOT" } } }, { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$latestReading" } } ])

Example Output

  1. Inserting Documents

    Output after inserting documents:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3") ] }
  2. Finding All Data for sensorId 1

    Query: db.sensorData.find({ sensorId: 1 }).pretty()


    [ { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e1"), "sensorId": 1, "timestamp": "2024-06-01T12:00:00Z", "temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60 }, { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), "sensorId": 1, "timestamp": "2024-06-01T13:00:00Z", "temperature": 23.0, "pressure": 1012 } ]
  3. Aggregating Average Temperature for Each Sensor

    Query: db.sensorData.aggregate([{ $group: { _id: "$sensorId", averageTemperature: { $avg: "$temperature" } } }])


    [ { "_id": 1, "averageTemperature": 22.75 }, { "_id": 2, "averageTemperature": 21.0 } ]
  4. Finding Latest Reading for Each Sensor

    Query: db.sensorData.aggregate([{ $sort: { timestamp: -1 } }, { $group: { _id: "$sensorId", latestReading: { $first: "$$ROOT" } } }, { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$latestReading" } }])


    [ { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e2"), "sensorId": 1, "timestamp": "2024-06-01T13:00:00Z", "temperature": 23.0, "pressure": 1012 }, { "_id": ObjectId("60e9f529f2947b1a4c88a5e3"), "sensorId": 2, "timestamp": "2024-06-01T12:00:00Z", "temperature": 21.0, "humidity": 55, "pressure": 1010 } ]


While MongoDB is not a native wide-column store, it can be adapted to store and query wide-column-like data structures. By organizing documents to represent rows and using MongoDB's aggregation framework, you can efficiently handle wide-column store operations. For applications requiring dedicated wide-column storage, databases like Apache Cassandra or HBase might be more suitable. However, MongoDB offers a flexible alternative that can integrate wide-column store principles within its document-oriented framework.

3.3 Document-Oriented Databases

Understanding document-oriented database models

A document-oriented database is a type of NoSQL database that uses JSON-like documents to store data. MongoDB is one of the most popular document-oriented databases, where data is stored in collections of documents, each consisting of key-value pairs. This model provides flexibility in data storage and allows for hierarchical, semi-structured data.

Key Characteristics of Document-Oriented Databases

  1. Schema Flexibility: Documents can have varying structures, and schema can evolve over time without requiring updates to the database schema.
  2. Hierarchical Data Representation: Documents can embed nested documents and arrays, allowing for complex data models.
  3. Rich Query Language: Support for a wide range of queries, including CRUD operations, aggregation, and indexing.
  4. Scalability: Designed to scale horizontally, supporting large datasets and high-throughput operations.

Modeling Data in MongoDB

In MongoDB, data is stored in databases, which contain collections of documents. Each document is a JSON-like object that can contain multiple key-value pairs, including arrays and nested documents.

Example: Modeling a Blogging Platform

Let's walk through an example of how to model a blogging platform using MongoDB. We'll create collections for users and posts, and demonstrate various operations.

Step-by-Step Example

Step 1: Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB by following the instructions on the official MongoDB website.

Step 2: Start MongoDB Server

Start the MongoDB server using the following command:

Step 3: Open the MongoDB Shell

Open the MongoDB shell by running:

Step 4: Create a Database

Create a new database called blogDB:

use blogDB
Step 5: Create Collections and Insert Documents

Create collections for users and posts, and insert sample documents.

Create Users Collection
db.users.insertMany([ { _id: 1, username: "alice", email: "alice@example.com", joined: new Date("2024-01-01") }, { _id: 2, username: "bob", email: "bob@example.com", joined: new Date("2024-02-01") } ])
Create Posts Collection
db.posts.insertMany([ { _id: 1, userId: 1, title: "First Post", content: "This is my first post!", tags: ["introduction", "first"], date: new Date("2024-06-01") }, { _id: 2, userId: 1, title: "Another Post", content: "Here's another post.", tags: ["blog"], date: new Date("2024-06-02") }, { _id: 3, userId: 2, title: "Bob's Post", content: "Hello from Bob!", tags: ["hello", "bob"], date: new Date("2024-06-01") } ])
Step 6: Query the Data

Perform queries to retrieve and manipulate data.

Retrieve All Users
Retrieve All Posts by a Specific User
db.posts.find({ userId: 1 }).pretty()
Aggregate Posts by Tag
db.posts.aggregate([ { $unwind: "$tags" }, { $group: { _id: "$tags", count: { $sum: 1 } } } ])
Update a User's Email
db.users.updateOne({ _id: 1 }, { $set: { email: "alice_new@example.com" } })
Delete a Post
db.posts.deleteOne({ _id: 3 })

Example Output

  1. Inserting Documents into Users Collection

    Output after inserting users:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [1, 2] }
  2. Inserting Documents into Posts Collection

    Output after inserting posts:

    { "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [1, 2, 3] }
  3. Retrieving All Users

    Query: db.users.find().pretty()


    [ { "_id": 1, "username": "alice", "email": "alice@example.com", "joined": ISODate("2024-01-01T00:00:00Z") }, { "_id": 2, "username": "bob", "email": "bob@example.com", "joined": ISODate("2024-02-01T00:00:00Z") } ]
  4. Retrieving All Posts by User with userId 1

    Query: db.posts.find({ userId: 1 }).pretty()


    [ { "_id": 1, "userId": 1, "title": "First Post", "content": "This is my first post!", "tags": ["introduction", "first"], "date": ISODate("2024-06-01T00:00:00Z") }, { "_id": 2, "userId": 1, "title": "Another Post", "content": "Here's another post.", "tags": ["blog"], "date": ISODate("2024-06-02T00:00:00Z") } ]
  5. Aggregating Posts by Tag

    Query: db.posts.aggregate([{ $unwind: "$tags" }, { $group: { _id: "$tags", count: { $sum: 1 } } }])


    [ { "_id": "introduction", "count": 1 }, { "_id": "first", "count": 1 }, { "_id": "blog", "count": 1 }, { "_id": "hello", "count": 1 }, { "_id": "bob", "count": 1 } ]
  6. Updating a User's Email

    Output after updating:

    { "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }
  7. Deleting a Post

    Output after deleting:

    { "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }


MongoDB's document-oriented model provides flexibility in representing complex, hierarchical data structures. By using collections of JSON-like documents, you can easily model various types of data and perform powerful queries and aggregations. This example of a blogging platform demonstrates how to leverage MongoDB's features to manage and query data effectively. For many applications, the document-oriented approach offers a robust and scalable solution.

Examples of document-oriented databases (e.g., MongoDB, Couchbase)

Certainly! Document-oriented databases store data in documents, typically using a format like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). These databases are designed for storing, retrieving, and managing document-oriented information, which is different from traditional relational databases that use tables.

MongoDB is one of the most popular document-oriented databases. Here's an overview of how MongoDB works, along with some examples and outputs:

MongoDB Overview

  • Database: A container for collections.
  • Collection: A group of MongoDB documents, equivalent to a table in relational databases.
  • Document: A set of key-value pairs, similar to a row in relational databases. Documents are stored in BSON format (a binary representation of JSON-like documents).

Example Usage of MongoDB

  1. Connecting to MongoDB

    To interact with MongoDB, you typically use a MongoDB client like mongo shell, MongoDB Compass, or programmatically through drivers (e.g., using Python, Node.js, etc.).

    // Connecting to MongoDB using the mongo shell use myDatabase
  2. Inserting Documents

    You can insert documents into a collection using the insertOne or insertMany methods.

    // Example of inserting a single document db.users.insertOne({ name: "Alice", age: 30, email: "alice@example.com", address: { street: "123 Main St", city: "Springfield", state: "IL", zip: "62701" } }) // Example of inserting multiple documents db.users.insertMany([ { name: "Bob", age: 25, email: "bob@example.com", address: { street: "456 Elm St", city: "Metropolis", state: "NY", zip: "10001" } }, { name: "Charlie", age: 35, email: "charlie@example.com", address: { street: "789 Oak St", city: "Gotham", state: "NJ", zip: "07001" } } ])
  3. Querying Documents

    You can retrieve documents using the find method with optional query criteria.

    // Retrieve all documents db.users.find() // Retrieve documents with specific criteria db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } }) // Find users older than 30 // Retrieve a single document db.users.findOne({ name: "Alice" })
  4. Updating Documents

    Documents can be updated using the updateOne, updateMany, or replaceOne methods.

    // Update a single document db.users.updateOne( { name: "Alice" }, { $set: { age: 31 } } ) // Update multiple documents db.users.updateMany( { age: { $lt: 30 } }, { $set: { status: "young" } } ) // Replace a document db.users.replaceOne( { name: "Charlie" }, { name: "Charlie", age: 36, email: "charlie.new@example.com" } )
  5. Deleting Documents

    You can delete documents using the deleteOne or deleteMany methods.

    // Delete a single document db.users.deleteOne({ name: "Alice" }) // Delete multiple documents db.users.deleteMany({ age: { $lt: 30 } })

Example Output

Here are examples of the output you might see when performing these operations:

  • Inserting Documents:

    { "acknowledged" : true, "insertedId" : ObjectId("60b8d2f1e0d0c1a29d4e5e77") }
  • Querying Documents:

    [ { "_id" : ObjectId("60b8d2f1e0d0c1a29d4e5e77"), "name" : "Alice", "age" : 30, "email" : "alice@example.com", "address" : { "street" : "123 Main St", "city" : "Springfield", "state" : "IL", "zip" : "62701" } }, { "_id" : ObjectId("60b8d2f1e0d0c1a29d4e5e78"), "name" : "Bob", "age" : 25, "email" : "bob@example.com", "address" : { "street" : "456 Elm St", "city" : "Metropolis", "state" : "NY", "zip" : "10001" } } ]
  • Updating Documents:

    { "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }
  • Deleting Documents:

    { "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 1 }

This is a basic introduction to working with MongoDB, highlighting its document-oriented nature. MongoDB's flexibility and scalability make it a popular choice for modern applications.

Working with JSON/BSON documents

Working with JSON/BSON documents in MongoDB involves understanding how MongoDB stores data and how to perform various operations on that data. MongoDB uses BSON (Binary JSON) as the storage format for documents, but the interactions (queries, updates, etc.) are typically done using JSON.

Here’s a detailed guide on working with JSON/BSON documents in MongoDB, including examples and expected outputs:

Connecting to MongoDB

First, ensure you have MongoDB installed and running on your machine. You can connect to MongoDB using the MongoDB shell or a client like MongoDB Compass. For this example, we'll use the MongoDB shell.

Basic Operations with JSON/BSON Documents

1. Inserting Documents

Inserting documents into a collection is straightforward. You can insert one or multiple documents at once.

Example: Inserting a Single Document

use myDatabase db.users.insertOne({ name: "Alice", age: 30, email: "alice@example.com", address: { street: "123 Main St", city: "Springfield", state: "IL", zip: "62701" } })

Example: Inserting Multiple Documents

db.users.insertMany([ { name: "Bob", age: 25, email: "bob@example.com", address: { street: "456 Elm St", city: "Metropolis", state: "NY", zip: "10001" } }, { name: "Charlie", age: 35, email: "charlie@example.com", address: { street: "789 Oak St", city: "Gotham", state: "NJ", zip: "07001" } } ])


{ "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f3"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f4") ] }

2. Querying Documents

You can retrieve documents using the find method with optional query criteria.

Example: Retrieve All Documents


Example: Retrieve Documents with Specific Criteria

db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } }).pretty()

Example: Retrieve a Single Document

db.users.findOne({ name: "Alice" })


{ "_id": ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f3"), "name": "Alice", "age": 30, "email": "alice@example.com", "address": { "street": "123 Main St", "city": "Springfield", "state": "IL", "zip": "62701" } }

3. Updating Documents

Documents can be updated using updateOne, updateMany, or replaceOne.

Example: Update a Single Document

db.users.updateOne( { name: "Alice" }, { $set: { age: 31 } } )

Example: Update Multiple Documents

db.users.updateMany( { age: { $lt: 30 } }, { $set: { status: "young" } } )

Example: Replace a Document

db.users.replaceOne( { name: "Charlie" }, { name: "Charlie", age: 36, email: "charlie.new@example.com" } )


{ "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }

4. Deleting Documents

You can delete documents using deleteOne or deleteMany.

Example: Delete a Single Document

db.users.deleteOne({ name: "Alice" })

Example: Delete Multiple Documents

db.users.deleteMany({ age: { $lt: 30 } })


{ "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }

Handling BSON Data

BSON (Binary JSON) is a binary representation of JSON-like documents. It extends JSON to provide additional data types and to be efficient for encoding and decoding within MongoDB.

When working with BSON data, you typically don’t interact directly with BSON, as MongoDB drivers handle the conversion between JSON and BSON. For example, in the MongoDB shell, you write queries and commands in JSON format, and the shell takes care of converting these commands to BSON.

Aggregation Example

MongoDB's aggregation framework allows you to process data and return computed results. It's particularly useful for generating reports and analytics.

Example: Aggregating Data

db.users.aggregate([ { $match: { age: { $gte: 30 } } }, { $group: { _id: "$city", averageAge: { $avg: "$age" }, totalUsers: { $sum: 1 } } }, { $sort: { totalUsers: -1 } } ])


[ { "_id": "Springfield", "averageAge": 30, "totalUsers": 1 }, { "_id": "Gotham", "averageAge": 36, "totalUsers": 1 } ]


MongoDB's document-oriented structure allows for flexible and dynamic schemas, making it suitable for various applications. The examples above demonstrate basic CRUD operations, querying, and aggregation, providing a foundation for working with MongoDB using JSON/BSON documents.

3.4 Key-Value Stores

Introduction to key-value stores

Key-value stores are a type of NoSQL database that use a simple key-value method to store data. Each key is unique, and it maps to a specific value. While MongoDB is primarily a document-oriented database, it can also be used effectively as a key-value store. This makes it versatile and capable of handling a wide range of use cases.

Introduction to Key-Value Stores

Key-value stores are designed for simplicity, speed, and scalability. They are particularly useful for scenarios where you need quick lookups based on unique keys, such as caching, session storage, and real-time analytics.

In MongoDB, a collection can be used as a key-value store by ensuring each document has a unique key field that you can use for fast lookups.

Key Concepts

  • Key: A unique identifier for a piece of data.
  • Value: The data associated with the key. This can be any type of data, including strings, numbers, arrays, and objects.

Example: Using MongoDB as a Key-Value Store

Let's walk through an example where we use MongoDB as a key-value store. We'll create a collection named kvstore and perform basic operations.

Step 1: Setting Up MongoDB

First, make sure you have MongoDB installed and running. You can connect to your MongoDB instance using the MongoDB shell or a MongoDB client like MongoDB Compass.

Step 2: Inserting Key-Value Pairs

We'll insert some key-value pairs into the kvstore collection. Each document will have a unique key and a corresponding value.

Example: Inserting Key-Value Pairs

use myDatabase db.kvstore.insertMany([ { key: "user1", value: { name: "Alice", age: 30, email: "alice@example.com" } }, { key: "user2", value: { name: "Bob", age: 25, email: "bob@example.com" } }, { key: "user3", value: { name: "Charlie", age: 35, email: "charlie@example.com" } } ])


{ "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f5"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f6"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f7") ] }

Step 3: Retrieving Values by Key

You can retrieve values by their keys using the findOne method.

Example: Retrieving a Value by Key

db.kvstore.findOne({ key: "user1" })


{ "_id": ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f5"), "key": "user1", "value": { "name": "Alice", "age": 30, "email": "alice@example.com" } }

Step 4: Updating Values

To update a value, use the updateOne method.

Example: Updating a Value

db.kvstore.updateOne( { key: "user1" }, { $set: { value: { name: "Alice", age: 31, email: "alice@example.com" } } } )


{ "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }

Step 5: Deleting Key-Value Pairs

To delete a key-value pair, use the deleteOne method.

Example: Deleting a Key-Value Pair

db.kvstore.deleteOne({ key: "user1" })


{ "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }

Aggregation and Indexing

Even though we are using MongoDB as a key-value store, we can still take advantage of its powerful features like aggregation and indexing for more advanced operations.

Example: Creating an Index on the Key Field

Creating an index on the key field can improve performance for lookups.

db.kvstore.createIndex({ key: 1 })


{ "createdCollectionAutomatically": false, "numIndexesBefore": 1, "numIndexesAfter": 2, "ok": 1 }

Example: Using Aggregation

You can use MongoDB's aggregation framework to perform complex queries on your key-value data.

db.kvstore.aggregate([ { $match: { "value.age": { $gte: 30 } } }, { $group: { _id: null, averageAge: { $avg: "$value.age" } } } ])


[ { "_id": null, "averageAge": 32.5 } ]


Using MongoDB as a key-value store is straightforward and leverages MongoDB's flexible document model. This approach provides a scalable and efficient way to store and retrieve key-value pairs, while still allowing the use of MongoDB's advanced features like indexing and aggregation. The examples provided demonstrate basic CRUD operations and how to enhance performance with indexing.

Examples of key-value stores (e.g., Redis, Amazon DynamoDB)

Certainly! While MongoDB is primarily a document-oriented database, it can be configured to function as a key-value store, similar to other key-value databases like Redis and Amazon DynamoDB. Below are some examples and detailed explanations on how to use MongoDB in this manner.

Key-Value Store in MongoDB


In a key-value store setup in MongoDB, each document in a collection will have two main fields:

  • key: This serves as the unique identifier for the document.
  • value: This contains the data associated with the key, which can be any valid JSON structure (string, number, object, array, etc.).

Example Scenario

Let's use a simple example of a key-value store that stores user session data. Each session will be identified by a unique session ID (key), and the value will contain details about the session (e.g., user ID, timestamp, etc.).

Setting Up MongoDB

Ensure MongoDB is installed and running on your machine. You can use the MongoDB shell (mongo), MongoDB Compass, or a programming language driver (e.g., Python, Node.js).

Inserting Key-Value Pairs

To insert key-value pairs, use the insertOne or insertMany methods.

Example: Inserting Single Key-Value Pair

use keyValueDatabase db.sessions.insertOne({ key: "session1", value: { userId: "user123", loginTime: new Date("2024-06-03T10:00:00Z"), isActive: true } })

Example: Inserting Multiple Key-Value Pairs

db.sessions.insertMany([ { key: "session2", value: { userId: "user456", loginTime: new Date("2024-06-03T11:00:00Z"), isActive: true } }, { key: "session3", value: { userId: "user789", loginTime: new Date("2024-06-03T12:00:00Z"), isActive: false } } ])


{ "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f8"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f9") ] }

Retrieving Values by Key

To retrieve values by their keys, use the findOne method.

Example: Retrieving a Value by Key

db.sessions.findOne({ key: "session1" })


{ "_id": ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f5"), "key": "session1", "value": { "userId": "user123", "loginTime": "2024-06-03T10:00:00Z", "isActive": true } }

Updating Values

To update a value, use the updateOne method.

Example: Updating a Value

db.sessions.updateOne( { key: "session1" }, { $set: { "value.isActive": false } } )


{ "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }

Deleting Key-Value Pairs

To delete a key-value pair, use the deleteOne method.

Example: Deleting a Key-Value Pair

db.sessions.deleteOne({ key: "session1" })


{ "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }

Indexing for Performance

Creating an index on the key field can improve lookup performance, similar to key-value stores like Redis and DynamoDB.

Example: Creating an Index on the Key Field

db.sessions.createIndex({ key: 1 })


{ "createdCollectionAutomatically": false, "numIndexesBefore": 1, "numIndexesAfter": 2, "ok": 1 }

Aggregation Example

MongoDB's aggregation framework allows you to perform complex data processing on your key-value data.

Example: Aggregating Session Data

db.sessions.aggregate([ { $match: { "value.isActive": true } }, { $group: { _id: null, activeSessions: { $sum: 1 } } } ])


[ { "_id": null, "activeSessions": 2 } ]

Comparison with Other Key-Value Stores

  • Redis: An in-memory data structure store that supports various types of values (strings, hashes, lists, sets, etc.). It is known for its high performance and is often used for caching and real-time analytics.
  • Amazon DynamoDB: A fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. It is designed for applications that require consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale.

Example: Redis Key-Value Store Operations

In Redis, you would use commands like SET and GET for storing and retrieving key-value pairs:

SET session1 "{\"userId\":\"user123\", \"loginTime\":\"2024-06-03T10:00:00Z\", \"isActive\":true}" GET session1

Example: DynamoDB Key-Value Store Operations

In DynamoDB, you would use the PutItem and GetItem operations for similar purposes:

{ "TableName": "Sessions", "Item": { "SessionId": { "S": "session1" }, "UserId": { "S": "user123" }, "LoginTime": { "S": "2024-06-03T10:00:00Z" }, "IsActive": { "BOOL": true } } }
{ "TableName": "Sessions", "Key": { "SessionId": { "S": "session1" } } }


Using MongoDB as a key-value store involves leveraging its document-oriented nature to store key-value pairs efficiently. The examples above demonstrate basic CRUD operations, indexing for performance, and aggregation for more advanced data processing. This approach allows MongoDB to function similarly to other key-value stores like Redis and Amazon DynamoDB, providing flexibility and scalability for various applications.

Use cases and advantages of key-value stores

Use Cases and Advantages of Key-Value Stores in MongoDB

Key-value stores are ideal for applications that require fast access to data based on unique keys. Here are some common use cases and the advantages of using MongoDB as a key-value store.

Use Cases

  1. Caching:

    • Description: Storing frequently accessed data to reduce latency and improve performance.

    • Example: Caching user profile information in a key-value store to reduce database load during peak times.

    • MongoDB Example:

      // Inserting user profile into cache db.cache.insertOne({ key: "userProfile:123", value: { userId: "123", name: "Alice", age: 30, email: "alice@example.com" }, expiresAt: new Date(Date.now() + 3600 * 1000) // 1 hour expiry }) // Retrieving user profile from cache db.cache.findOne({ key: "userProfile:123" })
  2. Session Management:

    • Description: Managing user sessions in web applications to keep track of active users.

    • Example: Storing session information with a unique session ID as the key.

    • MongoDB Example:

      // Creating a new session db.sessions.insertOne({ key: "session:abc123", value: { userId: "user123", createdAt: new Date(), isActive: true } }) // Retrieving session information db.sessions.findOne({ key: "session:abc123" }) // Updating session status db.sessions.updateOne( { key: "session:abc123" }, { $set: { "value.isActive": false } } ) // Deleting a session db.sessions.deleteOne({ key: "session:abc123" })
  3. Configuration Management:

    • Description: Storing configuration settings and application state.

    • Example: Keeping application settings or feature flags in a key-value store for quick access.

    • MongoDB Example:

      // Storing application settings db.configurations.insertOne({ key: "appSettings", value: { theme: "dark", version: "1.0.0", maintenanceMode: false } }) // Retrieving application settings db.configurations.findOne({ key: "appSettings" })
  4. Real-Time Analytics:

    • Description: Capturing and querying real-time data like counters, logs, or events.

    • Example: Keeping track of page views or user activity in real-time.

    • MongoDB Example:

      // Incrementing a page view counter db.analytics.updateOne( { key: "pageViews:homepage" }, { $inc: { "value.count": 1 } }, { upsert: true } ) // Retrieving page view count db.analytics.findOne({ key: "pageViews:homepage" })

Advantages of Key-Value Stores in MongoDB

  1. Scalability:

    • MongoDB can scale horizontally, allowing you to handle large volumes of data by adding more servers to your cluster.
  2. Flexibility:

    • MongoDB's schema-less design allows you to store different types of values under the same key structure without the need for predefined schemas.
  3. Performance:

    • Key-value lookups are generally fast, and MongoDB can optimize these operations further with indexing.
  4. Rich Query Capabilities:

    • Unlike traditional key-value stores, MongoDB supports rich querying and aggregation capabilities, enabling more complex operations on the data.
  5. Built-in Indexing:

    • Indexing on keys improves retrieval performance, making key-value stores in MongoDB efficient for high-read applications.
  6. Support for Complex Values:

    • MongoDB allows storing complex data structures (objects, arrays) as values, providing more flexibility compared to other key-value stores.
  7. Automatic Sharding:

    • MongoDB supports automatic sharding, which distributes data across multiple machines, providing high availability and data redundancy.

Example and Output

Let's consider a practical example where we manage a cache of user profiles.

Step 1: Insert User Profiles into Cache

use keyValueDatabase db.cache.insertMany([ { key: "userProfile:123", value: { userId: "123", name: "Alice", age: 30, email: "alice@example.com" }, expiresAt: new Date(Date.now() + 3600 * 1000) // 1 hour expiry }, { key: "userProfile:456", value: { userId: "456", name: "Bob", age: 25, email: "bob@example.com" }, expiresAt: new Date(Date.now() + 3600 * 1000) // 1 hour expiry } ])


{ "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fa"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fb") ] }

Step 2: Retrieve a User Profile from Cache

db.cache.findOne({ key: "userProfile:123" })


{ "_id": ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fa"), "key": "userProfile:123", "value": { "userId": "123", "name": "Alice", "age": 30, "email": "alice@example.com" }, "expiresAt": "2024-06-03T11:00:00Z" }

Step 3: Update a User Profile in Cache

db.cache.updateOne( { key: "userProfile:123" }, { $set: { "value.age": 31 } } )


{ "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }

Step 4: Delete a User Profile from Cache

db.cache.deleteOne({ key: "userProfile:123" })


{ "acknowledged": true, "deletedCount": 1 }


Using MongoDB as a key-value store offers significant advantages in terms of scalability, flexibility, and performance. It supports complex values and provides rich querying capabilities, making it suitable for various use cases like caching, session management, configuration management, and real-time analytics. The examples provided illustrate how to perform basic CRUD operations and highlight the benefits of using MongoDB for key-value storage.

3.5 Columnar Databases

Overview of columnar database architecture

MongoDB is primarily a document-oriented NoSQL database and does not natively support columnar storage architecture. However, it's worth discussing what columnar databases are and how MongoDB can achieve similar functionalities through specific design patterns and indexing strategies.

Overview of Columnar Database Architecture

Columnar databases (or column-family databases) store data by columns rather than by rows, which is beneficial for analytical queries that require reading data from a few columns but across many rows. Examples of columnar databases include Apache Cassandra, HBase, and Amazon Redshift.

Key Characteristics of Columnar Databases:

  • Efficient Data Compression: Since data within each column is of the same type, compression algorithms can be highly effective.
  • Improved Read Performance for Analytical Queries: Queries that access a few columns but many rows are faster because only the relevant columns are read from disk.
  • Column Families: Related columns are grouped together into families, which are stored and retrieved together.

Emulating Columnar Storage in MongoDB

While MongoDB is not a columnar database, it can achieve some similar performance benefits through careful schema design, indexing, and aggregation pipelines. Below are some strategies to emulate columnar storage behavior in MongoDB.

Strategy 1: Schema Design

Designing your MongoDB schema to store related data together in a way that minimizes the amount of data read from disk can mimic columnar storage benefits.

Example: Assume we are working with a dataset of user analytics where we often need to retrieve user activity for specific fields like pageViews and clicks.

use analyticsDatabase db.userActivities.insertMany([ { userId: "user1", pageViews: 100, clicks: 10, lastLogin: new Date("2024-05-30") }, { userId: "user2", pageViews: 150, clicks: 20, lastLogin: new Date("2024-06-01") }, { userId: "user3", pageViews: 200, clicks: 30, lastLogin: new Date("2024-06-02") } ])

Querying Specific Columns: Retrieve only pageViews and clicks for all users.

db.userActivities.find({}, { _id: 0, pageViews: 1, clicks: 1 })


[ { "pageViews": 100, "clicks": 10 }, { "pageViews": 150, "clicks": 20 }, { "pageViews": 200, "clicks": 30 } ]

Strategy 2: Indexing

Creating indexes on frequently queried fields can improve performance, similar to the benefits of columnar storage for read-heavy operations.

Example: Create indexes on the pageViews and clicks fields.

db.userActivities.createIndex({ pageViews: 1 }) db.userActivities.createIndex({ clicks: 1 })

Query with Indexed Fields:

db.userActivities.find({ pageViews: { $gt: 100 } }).sort({ pageViews: 1 })


[ { "_id": ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f7"), "userId": "user2", "pageViews": 150, "clicks": 20, "lastLogin": "2024-06-01T00:00:00Z" }, { "_id": ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45f8"), "userId": "user3", "pageViews": 200, "clicks": 30, "lastLogin": "2024-06-02T00:00:00Z" } ]

Strategy 3: Aggregation Framework

Using MongoDB's aggregation framework allows for powerful data transformations and can help simulate columnar operations for analytical queries.

Example: Calculate the average pageViews and clicks per user.

db.userActivities.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: null, avgPageViews: { $avg: "$pageViews" }, avgClicks: { $avg: "$clicks" } } } ])


[ { "_id": null, "avgPageViews": 150, "avgClicks": 20 } ]

Strategy 4: Schema Design for Wide Columns

Emulate wide column stores by grouping related columns into sub-documents.

Example: Store analytics data in a sub-document.

db.userActivities.insertMany([ { userId: "user1", metrics: { pageViews: 100, clicks: 10, timeSpent: 120 }, lastLogin: new Date("2024-05-30") }, { userId: "user2", metrics: { pageViews: 150, clicks: 20, timeSpent: 150 }, lastLogin: new Date("2024-06-01") }, { userId: "user3", metrics: { pageViews: 200, clicks: 30, timeSpent: 180 }, lastLogin: new Date("2024-06-02") } ])

Querying Sub-Documents: Retrieve pageViews and clicks from the metrics sub-document.

db.userActivities.find({}, { _id: 0, "metrics.pageViews": 1, "metrics.clicks": 1 })


[ { "metrics": { "pageViews": 100, "clicks": 10 } }, { "metrics": { "pageViews": 150, "clicks": 20 } }, { "metrics": { "pageViews": 200, "clicks": 30 } } ]


While MongoDB is not a columnar database, it can be configured and optimized to handle workloads similar to those managed by columnar databases through schema design, indexing, and the use of the aggregation framework. These strategies help to achieve efficient data retrieval and storage for analytical queries, providing some of the benefits of columnar databases in a document-oriented database like MongoDB.

Examples of columnar databases (e.g., Apache Cassandra, HBase)

While MongoDB itself is not a columnar database, it can be used to simulate certain columnar database functionalities through specific design patterns and optimizations. However, to provide context, let's first understand columnar databases like Apache Cassandra and HBase before showing how similar principles can be applied in MongoDB.

Overview of Columnar Databases

Columnar databases (or column-family databases) store data in columns rather than rows, which makes them highly efficient for analytical queries that involve large-scale data aggregation. Examples include:

  • Apache Cassandra: A highly scalable, distributed NoSQL database designed for high availability and handling large amounts of data across many commodity servers.
  • HBase: An open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational database modeled after Google's Bigtable and designed to provide quick random access to large amounts of sparse data.

Key Characteristics:

  • Column-Family Storage: Data is stored in column families, allowing related data to be stored together.
  • Efficient Read Performance: Ideal for read-heavy operations where only a few columns are needed across many rows.
  • Scalability and High Availability: Designed to scale out horizontally and provide high availability.

Emulating Columnar Storage in MongoDB

While MongoDB is a document-oriented database, it can emulate some columnar database characteristics through schema design, indexing, and aggregation frameworks.

Example Use Case: User Analytics

Let's design a MongoDB schema and operations to emulate columnar storage for user analytics data.

Step 1: Schema Design

Columnar Schema in MongoDB: Store related fields together to minimize the amount of data read from disk.

Example Document:

{ "userId": "user1", "metrics": { "pageViews": 100, "clicks": 10, "timeSpent": 120 }, "lastLogin": "2024-05-30T00:00:00Z" }

Inserting Data:

use analyticsDatabase db.userActivities.insertMany([ { userId: "user1", metrics: { pageViews: 100, clicks: 10, timeSpent: 120 }, lastLogin: new Date("2024-05-30") }, { userId: "user2", metrics: { pageViews: 150, clicks: 20, timeSpent: 150 }, lastLogin: new Date("2024-06-01") }, { userId: "user3", metrics: { pageViews: 200, clicks: 30, timeSpent: 180 }, lastLogin: new Date("2024-06-02") } ])


{ "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fa"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fb"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fc") ] }

Step 2: Querying Specific Columns

To retrieve specific fields (emulating columnar read operations):

Querying Specific Fields:

db.userActivities.find({}, { _id: 0, "metrics.pageViews": 1, "metrics.clicks": 1 })


[ { "metrics": { "pageViews": 100, "clicks": 10 } }, { "metrics": { "pageViews": 150, "clicks": 20 } }, { "metrics": { "pageViews": 200, "clicks": 30 } } ]

Step 3: Aggregation

Using MongoDB's aggregation framework to perform columnar-like operations:

Aggregating Data:

db.userActivities.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: null, avgPageViews: { $avg: "$metrics.pageViews" }, avgClicks: { $avg: "$metrics.clicks" } } } ])


[ { "_id": null, "avgPageViews": 150, "avgClicks": 20 } ]

Comparison with Columnar Databases

Apache Cassandra:

  • Data Modeling: Uses column families to store related data.
  • Query Example:
    CREATE TABLE user_activities ( userId text PRIMARY KEY, pageViews int, clicks int, timeSpent int, lastLogin timestamp ); INSERT INTO user_activities (userId, pageViews, clicks, timeSpent, lastLogin) VALUES ('user1', 100, 10, 120, '2024-05-30T00:00:00Z'); SELECT pageViews, clicks FROM user_activities WHERE userId = 'user1';


  • Data Modeling: Stores data in column families with a row key.
  • Query Example:
    Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf("user_activities")); Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("user1")); get.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("metrics"), Bytes.toBytes("pageViews")); get.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("metrics"), Bytes.toBytes("clicks")); Result result = table.get(get);


While MongoDB is not a columnar database, it can emulate columnar storage characteristics through careful schema design, indexing, and the use of its powerful aggregation framework. This allows MongoDB to perform efficiently in scenarios similar to those handled by columnar databases like Apache Cassandra and HBase. By storing related data together and leveraging MongoDB's querying capabilities, you can achieve some of the performance benefits typical of columnar storage.

Working with column families and wide rows

In MongoDB, we can emulate the concept of column families and wide rows, commonly found in columnar databases like Apache Cassandra and HBase, by using specific design patterns and MongoDB's rich document model.

Column Families and Wide Rows in MongoDB

Column Families:

  • In columnar databases, a column family is a container for rows, each of which can have a dynamic number of columns.
  • In MongoDB, we can mimic column families by using embedded documents or separate collections for related data.

Wide Rows:

  • A wide row in columnar databases can contain a large number of columns, often used to store time-series or other related data together.
  • In MongoDB, wide rows can be represented by documents with many fields, often nested within sub-documents.

Example Use Case: User Activity Tracking

Let's consider an example where we track user activities, such as page views and clicks, over time. This will demonstrate how to work with column families and wide rows in MongoDB.

Step 1: Schema Design

Column Family Emulation:

  • Use embedded documents or separate collections for different types of user metrics.

Wide Row Emulation:

  • Store time-series data within a document, using arrays or nested documents to capture the wide row concept.

Schema Example:

{ "userId": "user1", "metrics": { "pageViews": [ { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T10:00:00Z", "count": 10 }, { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T11:00:00Z", "count": 15 } ], "clicks": [ { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T10:00:00Z", "count": 5 }, { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T11:00:00Z", "count": 7 } ] }, "lastLogin": "2024-06-01T12:00:00Z" }

Inserting Data:

use analyticsDatabase db.userActivities.insertOne({ userId: "user1", metrics: { pageViews: [ { timestamp: new Date("2024-06-01T10:00:00Z"), count: 10 }, { timestamp: new Date("2024-06-01T11:00:00Z"), count: 15 } ], clicks: [ { timestamp: new Date("2024-06-01T10:00:00Z"), count: 5 }, { timestamp: new Date("2024-06-01T11:00:00Z"), count: 7 } ] }, lastLogin: new Date("2024-06-01T12:00:00Z") })


{ "acknowledged": true, "insertedId": ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fd") }

Step 2: Querying and Aggregation

Querying Specific Metrics: Retrieve specific metrics (emulating column family reads).

db.userActivities.find( { userId: "user1" }, { _id: 0, "metrics.pageViews": 1, "metrics.clicks": 1 } )


[ { "metrics": { "pageViews": [ { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T10:00:00Z", "count": 10 }, { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T11:00:00Z", "count": 15 } ], "clicks": [ { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T10:00:00Z", "count": 5 }, { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T11:00:00Z", "count": 7 } ] } } ]

Aggregation Example: Calculate the total page views and clicks for a user.

db.userActivities.aggregate([ { $match: { userId: "user1" } }, { $project: { _id: 0, totalPageViews: { $sum: "$metrics.pageViews.count" }, totalClicks: { $sum: "$metrics.clicks.count" } } } ])


[ { "totalPageViews": 25, "totalClicks": 12 } ]

Step 3: Updating and Adding New Metrics

Updating Metrics: Add new page view and click metrics.

db.userActivities.updateOne( { userId: "user1" }, { $push: { "metrics.pageViews": { timestamp: new Date("2024-06-01T12:00:00Z"), count: 20 }, "metrics.clicks": { timestamp: new Date("2024-06-01T12:00:00Z"), count: 9 } } } )


{ "acknowledged": true, "matchedCount": 1, "modifiedCount": 1 }

Step 4: Handling Wide Rows with Indexing

Creating Indexes: Create indexes on nested fields to optimize queries.

db.userActivities.createIndex({ "metrics.pageViews.timestamp": 1 }) db.userActivities.createIndex({ "metrics.clicks.timestamp": 1 })

Query with Indexes: Retrieve metrics within a specific time range.

db.userActivities.find( { "metrics.pageViews.timestamp": { $gte: new Date("2024-06-01T10:00:00Z"), $lte: new Date("2024-06-01T12:00:00Z") } }, { _id: 0, "metrics.pageViews.$": 1 } )


[ { "metrics": { "pageViews": [ { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T10:00:00Z", "count": 10 } ] } } ]


MongoDB can emulate the functionalities of column families and wide rows found in columnar databases through flexible schema design, indexing, and the use of aggregation frameworks. By using nested documents and arrays, we can efficiently store and query time-series and other related data. While MongoDB is inherently a document-oriented database, these techniques allow it to handle scenarios typically managed by columnar databases.

3.6 Graph Databases

Understanding graph database models

Understanding Graph Database Models in MongoDB

MongoDB is inherently a document-oriented database, but it can be used to model and query graph-like data structures through its flexible schema design and powerful query capabilities. Graph databases, like Neo4j, are designed to handle relationships between entities efficiently, and MongoDB can simulate these relationships using embedded documents and referencing.

Key Concepts of Graph Databases

  1. Nodes (Vertices): Represent entities or objects in the graph.
  2. Edges (Relationships): Represent the connections or relationships between nodes.
  3. Properties: Attributes or metadata associated with nodes and edges.

Emulating Graph Models in MongoDB

In MongoDB, we can represent nodes and edges using documents and references. Here are some strategies to emulate graph database models:

  1. Embedded Documents: For closely related data where relationships are contained within a single document.
  2. References: For more complex relationships where data is split across multiple collections.

Example Use Case: Social Network

Let's consider a social network where users can follow each other. This will help demonstrate how to model graph-like relationships in MongoDB.

Step 1: Schema Design

Nodes as Documents: Each user is a node represented by a document.

Edges as References: Relationships (follows) are represented by references (user IDs) within documents.

User Schema Example:

{ "userId": "user1", "name": "Alice", "follows": ["user2", "user3"] }

Inserting Users:

use socialNetwork db.users.insertMany([ { userId: "user1", name: "Alice", follows: ["user2", "user3"] }, { userId: "user2", name: "Bob", follows: ["user1"] }, { userId: "user3", name: "Charlie", follows: ["user1", "user2"] } ])


{ "acknowledged": true, "insertedIds": [ ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fd"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45fe"), ObjectId("60c72b2f9b1d8e6d5b2f45ff") ] }

Step 2: Querying Relationships

Finding Users Followed by a Specific User:

db.users.find( { userId: "user1" }, { _id: 0, follows: 1 } )


[ { "follows": ["user2", "user3"] } ]

Finding Users Who Follow a Specific User:

db.users.find( { follows: "user1" }, { _id: 0, userId: 1, name: 1 } )


[ { "userId": "user2", "name": "Bob" }, { "userId": "user3", "name": "Charlie" } ]

Step 3: Aggregation and Graph Traversal

Finding Mutual Followers: Users who follow each other.

db.users.aggregate([ { $unwind: "$follows" }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "follows", foreignField: "userId", as: "followedUser" }}, { $unwind: "$followedUser" }, { $project: { _id: 0, userId: 1, name: 1, follows: 1, followedBy: "$followedUser.follows" }}, { $match: { $expr: { $in: ["$userId", "$followedBy"] } } } ])


[ { "userId": "user1", "name": "Alice", "follows": "user2", "followedBy": ["user1"] }, { "userId": "user1", "name": "Alice", "follows": "user3", "followedBy": ["user1", "user2"] }, { "userId": "user2", "name": "Bob", "follows": "user1", "followedBy": ["user2"] } ]

Step 4: Complex Queries and Indexing

Indexing: Create indexes on the userId and follows fields to optimize queries.

db.users.createIndex({ userId: 1 }) db.users.createIndex({ follows: 1 })


{ "createdCollectionAutomatically": false, "numIndexesBefore": 1, "numIndexesAfter": 3, "ok": 1 }

Complex Query: Finding all followers of followers (second-degree connections).

db.users.aggregate([ { $unwind: "$follows" }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "follows", foreignField: "userId", as: "followedUser" }}, { $unwind: "$followedUser" }, { $unwind: "$followedUser.follows" }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "followedUser.follows", foreignField: "userId", as: "secondDegreeFollower" }}, { $unwind: "$secondDegreeFollower" }, { $project: { _id: 0, userId: 1, follows: 1, secondDegreeFollower: "$secondDegreeFollower.userId" }} ])


[ { "userId": "user1", "follows": "user2", "secondDegreeFollower": "user1" }, { "userId": "user1", "follows": "user2", "secondDegreeFollower": "user3" }, { "userId": "user1", "follows": "user3", "secondDegreeFollower": "user1" }, { "userId": "user1", "follows": "user3", "secondDegreeFollower": "user2" }, { "userId": "user2", "follows": "user1", "secondDegreeFollower": "user2" }, { "userId": "user2", "follows": "user1", "secondDegreeFollower": "user3" } ]


MongoDB, while not a native graph database, can effectively model and query graph-like data structures using embedded documents, references, and the aggregation framework. By carefully designing schemas and utilizing MongoDB's rich querying capabilities, you can handle complex relationships and graph-like queries within a MongoDB environment. This approach provides a flexible way to manage interconnected data while leveraging MongoDB's scalability and performance.

Examples of graph databases (e.g., Neo4j, Amazon Neptune)

Graph databases are designed to store and manage highly connected data. Unlike traditional relational databases, graph databases use graph structures with nodes, edges, and properties to represent and store data. Examples of graph databases include Neo4j and Amazon Neptune. MongoDB, a document-based NoSQL database, can also be used to store graph-like data by leveraging its document model.

Using MongoDB for Graph-Like Data

While MongoDB is not a graph database, its flexible document model allows for storing and querying graph-like data structures. Here's how you can represent and query graph-like data in MongoDB.

Example: Social Network

Graph Model

In a social network graph, users are nodes and relationships (e.g., friendships) are edges.

MongoDB Document Model

We can represent users and their relationships using documents and arrays.

Users Collection:

1Alice[2, 3]
2Bob[1, 3]
3Charlie[1, 2]

Creating and Querying Graph-Like Data in MongoDB

Step 1: Insert Documents

db.users.insertMany([ { _id: 1, name: "Alice", friends: [2, 3] }, { _id: 2, name: "Bob", friends: [1, 3] }, { _id: 3, name: "Charlie", friends: [1, 2] } ]);

Step 2: Query Friends of a User

Find all friends of Alice (user with _id: 1):

db.users.find({ _id: 1 }, { friends: 1, _id: 0 });


{ "friends": [2, 3] }

Step 3: Find Mutual Friends

Find mutual friends of Alice (_id: 1) and Bob (_id: 2):

var aliceFriends = db.users.findOne({ _id: 1 }).friends; var bobFriends = db.users.findOne({ _id: 2 }).friends; var mutualFriends = aliceFriends.filter(function(friend) { return bobFriends.includes(friend); }); mutualFriends;



Step 4: Adding a Friend Relationship

Add a new friendship between Alice (_id: 1) and a new user Dave (_id: 4):

  1. Add Dave:
db.users.insertOne({ _id: 4, name: "Dave", friends: [1] });
  1. Update Alice's friends:
db.users.updateOne({ _id: 1 }, { $push: { friends: 4 } });

Step 5: Query the Updated Friends List

Check Alice's updated friends list:

db.users.find({ _id: 1 }, { friends: 1, _id: 0 });


{ "friends": [2, 3, 4] }

Advantages of Using MongoDB for Graph-Like Data

  1. Flexibility: MongoDB's document model is very flexible and can easily adapt to various data structures, including graph-like data.
  2. Scalability: MongoDB is designed to scale horizontally, making it suitable for large datasets.
  3. Ease of Use: MongoDB's query language is straightforward and easy to learn, allowing for complex queries with simple syntax.

Disadvantages of Using MongoDB for Graph-Like Data

  1. Lack of Graph-Specific Features: Unlike dedicated graph databases (e.g., Neo4j, Amazon Neptune), MongoDB does not have built-in graph traversal or optimized graph queries.
  2. Complex Queries: Complex graph queries (e.g., finding the shortest path) can be more challenging to implement and less efficient in MongoDB compared to a graph database.


While MongoDB is not a graph database, it can effectively store and query graph-like data using its flexible document model. By representing nodes as documents and edges as references within arrays, MongoDB can handle graph data for applications such as social networks. However, for applications requiring advanced graph-specific features and optimized performance, dedicated graph databases like Neo4j or Amazon Neptune are more suitable.

Modeling and querying graph data

Modeling and querying graph data in MongoDB involves representing nodes (entities) and edges (relationships) using documents and references within collections. MongoDB's document model provides flexibility to represent complex graph structures and perform efficient queries. Here, we'll explore how to model and query graph data in MongoDB with a detailed example.

Example: Social Network Graph

Graph Model

  • Nodes: Users
  • Edges: Friendships

Step 1: Modeling Graph Data

Users Collection

Each user document includes an array of friend IDs, representing relationships.

{ "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "friends": [2, 3] }

This document structure allows us to easily access a user's friends and perform queries on the graph.

Creating the Users Collection:

db.users.insertMany([ { _id: 1, name: "Alice", friends: [2, 3] }, { _id: 2, name: "Bob", friends: [1, 3] }, { _id: 3, name: "Charlie", friends: [1, 2] } ]);

Step 2: Querying Graph Data

1. Finding a User's Friends

To find all friends of a specific user (e.g., Alice):

db.users.find({ _id: 1 }, { friends: 1, _id: 0 });


{ "friends": [2, 3] }

2. Finding Mutual Friends

To find mutual friends between two users (e.g., Alice and Bob):

var alice = db.users.findOne({ _id: 1 }); var bob = db.users.findOne({ _id: 2 }); var mutualFriends = alice.friends.filter(friend => bob.friends.includes(friend)); mutualFriends;



3. Adding a New Friendship

To add a friendship between Alice (_id: 1) and a new user Dave (_id: 4):

Step 1: Insert Dave:

db.users.insertOne({ _id: 4, name: "Dave", friends: [1] });

Step 2: Update Alice's Friends:

db.users.updateOne({ _id: 1 }, { $push: { friends: 4 } });

Verify the Update:

db.users.find({ _id: 1 }, { friends: 1, _id: 0 });


{ "friends": [2, 3, 4] }

Step 3: Advanced Queries

4. Finding All Friends of Friends

To find all friends of Alice's friends (second-degree connections):

Step 1: Find Alice's Friends:

var aliceFriends = db.users.findOne({ _id: 1 }).friends;

Step 2: Find Friends of Friends:

var friendsOfFriends = db.users.find({ _id: { $in: aliceFriends } }).map(user => user.friends).flat(); var uniqueFriendsOfFriends = [...new Set(friendsOfFriends)].filter(friend => friend !== 1 && !aliceFriends.includes(friend)); uniqueFriendsOfFriends;



Benefits of Modeling Graph Data in MongoDB

  1. Flexibility: MongoDB’s document model allows for dynamic and flexible schema design, making it easy to model complex graph data.
  2. Efficiency: MongoDB’s indexing and query capabilities can efficiently handle graph-like queries, especially with appropriate indexing.
  3. Scalability: MongoDB’s horizontal scalability makes it suitable for large-scale graph data.


  1. Complex Graph Traversals: While simple graph queries are straightforward, complex graph traversals (e.g., shortest path, deep traversals) can be challenging and less efficient compared to dedicated graph databases.
  2. Manual Relationship Management: Managing relationships and ensuring data integrity requires careful design and manual handling.


MongoDB can effectively model and query graph-like data using its flexible document model. By representing nodes as documents and edges as references within arrays, we can perform various graph operations such as finding friends, mutual friends, and friends of friends. While MongoDB offers many advantages, for more complex graph operations, a dedicated graph database may be more suitable.

3.7 Wide-Column Stores

Introduction to wide-column store databases

Wide-column store databases, also known as column-family databases, are designed to handle large volumes of data across many columns and rows. They are particularly well-suited for big data applications and analytics, where read and write operations need to be performed efficiently on a massive scale. Wide-column stores like Apache Cassandra and Google Bigtable store data in tables, rows, and dynamic columns, where columns can vary between rows.

While MongoDB is not a wide-column store database by design, its flexible schema allows it to mimic some of the wide-column store behaviors. Here, we'll explore how MongoDB can be used to implement wide-column store patterns with an example.

Wide-Column Store Concepts

  • Column Family: A group of columns that are often accessed together. Similar to a table.
  • Row Key: The unique identifier for a row. Each row key maps to a set of columns.
  • Column: Key-value pairs where the key is the column name and the value is the column data.

Example Scenario: IoT Sensor Data

We will model IoT sensor data where each sensor sends readings periodically. The readings are stored with timestamps.

Step 1: Modeling Data in MongoDB

Document Structure

Each document will represent a row with a sensor ID as the row key and a nested structure to represent columns and their values.

{ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58} } }

This structure allows each sensor to have a unique document with dynamic columns (readings at different timestamps).

Step 2: Creating and Querying Data in MongoDB

Creating the Collection and Inserting Data

db.sensors.insertOne({ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58} } }); db.sensors.insertOne({ "_id": "sensor2", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 20.5, "humidity": 65}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 20.7, "humidity": 64}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 20.6, "humidity": 63} } });

Querying Data

  1. Retrieve All Readings for a Specific Sensor
db.sensors.find({ _id: "sensor1" });


{ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58} } }
  1. Retrieve Specific Reading at a Timestamp
db.sensors.find({ _id: "sensor1" }, { "readings.2024-06-01T12:00:00": 1, _id: 0 });


{ "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60} } }
  1. Update a Reading

Update the temperature reading for sensor1 at 2024-06-01T12:00:00:

db.sensors.updateOne( { _id: "sensor1" }, { $set: { "readings.2024-06-01T12:00:00.temperature": 23.0 } } );
  1. Add a New Reading

Add a new reading for sensor1:

db.sensors.updateOne( { _id: "sensor1" }, { $set: { "readings.2024-06-01T12:15:00": { "temperature": 22.8, "humidity": 57 } } } );

Advantages of Using MongoDB for Wide-Column Store Patterns

  1. Flexibility: MongoDB's schema-less design allows for dynamic and nested structures, similar to wide-column stores.
  2. Ease of Use: MongoDB's query language is simple and powerful, making it easy to perform CRUD operations.
  3. Scalability: MongoDB is designed to scale horizontally, making it suitable for large datasets.


  1. Lack of Native Column-Family Features: MongoDB does not natively support wide-column store features like column families and efficient wide-row reads.
  2. Complex Queries: Handling large numbers of dynamic columns can become complex and less efficient compared to dedicated wide-column store databases.


While MongoDB is not a native wide-column store, its flexible document model allows it to mimic some wide-column store behaviors. By modeling data with dynamic, nested structures, MongoDB can effectively store and query graph-like data and wide-column store patterns. This approach is suitable for applications requiring flexible schemas and efficient read/write operations on large volumes of data.

Examples of wide-column stores (e.g., Apache Cassandra, Google Bigtable)

Wide-column store databases such as Apache Cassandra and Google Bigtable are designed to handle large amounts of data across many columns and rows. These databases store data in tables with rows and dynamic columns. MongoDB, a document-based NoSQL database, can mimic wide-column store behaviors using its flexible document model.

Example: IoT Sensor Data

Let's explore how to represent and query data in MongoDB using a wide-column store approach, using an IoT sensor data example.

Step 1: Modeling Data in MongoDB

Document Structure

Each document represents a row with a sensor ID as the row key and nested structures representing columns and their values.

Example document for a sensor:

{ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58} } }

This structure allows each sensor to have a unique document with dynamic columns (readings at different timestamps).

Step 2: Creating and Querying Data in MongoDB

Creating the Collection and Inserting Data

db.sensors.insertMany([ { _id: "sensor1", readings: { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {temperature: 22.5, humidity: 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {temperature: 22.7, humidity: 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {temperature: 22.6, humidity: 58} } }, { _id: "sensor2", readings: { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {temperature: 20.5, humidity: 65}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {temperature: 20.7, humidity: 64}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {temperature: 20.6, humidity: 63} } } ]);

Querying Data

  1. Retrieve All Readings for a Specific Sensor
db.sensors.find({_id: "sensor1"});


{ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {temperature: 22.5, humidity: 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {temperature: 22.7, humidity: 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {temperature: 22.6, humidity: 58} } }
  1. Retrieve a Specific Reading at a Timestamp
db.sensors.find({_id: "sensor1"}, {"readings.2024-06-01T12:00:00": 1, _id: 0});


{ "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {temperature: 22.5, humidity: 60} } }
  1. Update a Reading

Update the temperature reading for sensor1 at 2024-06-01T12:00:00:

db.sensors.updateOne( { _id: "sensor1" }, { $set: {"readings.2024-06-01T12:00:00.temperature": 23.0} } );
  1. Add a New Reading

Add a new reading for sensor1:

db.sensors.updateOne( { _id: "sensor1" }, { $set: {"readings.2024-06-01T12:15:00": {temperature: 22.8, humidity: 57}} } );

Step 3: Advanced Queries

Find All Readings Within a Time Range

To find all readings for sensor1 within a specific time range:

var start = "2024-06-01T12:00:00"; var end = "2024-06-01T12:10:00"; db.sensors.aggregate([ { $match: { _id: "sensor1" } }, { $project: { readings: { $filter: { input: { $objectToArray: "$readings" }, as: "reading", cond: { $and: [ { $gte: ["$$reading.k", start] }, { $lte: ["$$reading.k", end] } ]} } }} }, { $project: { readings: { $arrayToObject: "$readings" } }} ]);


{ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {temperature: 22.5, humidity: 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {temperature: 22.7, humidity: 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {temperature: 22.6, humidity: 58} } }

Benefits of Using MongoDB for Wide-Column Store Patterns

  1. Flexibility: MongoDB’s schema-less design allows for dynamic and nested structures, similar to wide-column stores.
  2. Ease of Use: MongoDB’s query language is simple and powerful, making it easy to perform CRUD operations.
  3. Scalability: MongoDB is designed to scale horizontally, making it suitable for large datasets.


  1. Lack of Native Column-Family Features: MongoDB does not natively support wide-column store features like column families and efficient wide-row reads.
  2. Complex Queries: Handling large numbers of dynamic columns can become complex and less efficient compared to dedicated wide-column store databases.


While MongoDB is not a native wide-column store, its flexible document model allows it to mimic some wide-column store behaviors. By modeling data with dynamic, nested structures, MongoDB can effectively store and query graph-like data and wide-column store patterns. This approach is suitable for applications requiring flexible schemas and efficient read/write operations on large volumes of data.

Data modeling with wide-column databases

Data modeling in wide-column databases involves organizing data in tables, rows, and columns, where each row can have a dynamic number of columns. Although MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database, it can be used to mimic wide-column stores by utilizing its flexible schema and nested documents.

Example Scenario: IoT Sensor Data

In this example, we will model IoT sensor data in MongoDB using a wide-column store approach. Each sensor will have multiple readings at different timestamps, and we will store these readings as nested documents within a single document for each sensor.

Step 1: Designing the Data Model

Document Structure

Each sensor will be represented by a document, with the sensor ID as the _id. The readings will be stored in a nested document, where each key is a timestamp and each value is another document containing the sensor readings (temperature, humidity, etc.).

Example document for a sensor:

{ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58} } }

Step 2: Creating and Querying Data in MongoDB

Creating the Collection and Inserting Data

We will create a collection named sensors and insert data into it.

db.sensors.insertMany([ { "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58} } }, { "_id": "sensor2", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 20.5, "humidity": 65}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 20.7, "humidity": 64}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 20.6, "humidity": 63} } } ]);

Querying Data

  1. Retrieve All Readings for a Specific Sensor

To retrieve all readings for a specific sensor, such as sensor1:

db.sensors.find({_id: "sensor1"});


{ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58} } }
  1. Retrieve a Specific Reading at a Timestamp

To retrieve a specific reading for sensor1 at 2024-06-01T12:00:00:

db.sensors.find({_id: "sensor1"}, {"readings.2024-06-01T12:00:00": 1, _id: 0});


{ "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60} } }
  1. Update a Reading

To update the temperature reading for sensor1 at 2024-06-01T12:00:00:

db.sensors.updateOne( { _id: "sensor1" }, { $set: {"readings.2024-06-01T12:00:00.temperature": 23.0} } );
  1. Add a New Reading

To add a new reading for sensor1 at 2024-06-01T12:15:00:

db.sensors.updateOne( { _id: "sensor1" }, { $set: {"readings.2024-06-01T12:15:00": {temperature: 22.8, humidity: 57}} } );

Step 3: Advanced Queries

Find All Readings Within a Time Range

To find all readings for sensor1 within a specific time range:

var start = "2024-06-01T12:00:00"; var end = "2024-06-01T12:10:00"; db.sensors.aggregate([ { $match: { _id: "sensor1" } }, { $project: { readings: { $filter: { input: { $objectToArray: "$readings" }, as: "reading", cond: { $and: [ { $gte: ["$$reading.k", start] }, { $lte: ["$$reading.k", end] } ]} } }} }, { $project: { readings: { $arrayToObject: "$readings" } }} ]);


{ "_id": "sensor1", "readings": { "2024-06-01T12:00:00": {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}, "2024-06-01T12:05:00": {"temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59}, "2024-06-01T12:10:00": {"temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58} } }


By modeling data with dynamic, nested structures in MongoDB, we can effectively store and query data in a manner similar to wide-column stores. This approach is suitable for applications requiring flexible schemas and efficient read/write operations on large volumes of data. However, while MongoDB can mimic some wide-column store behaviors, it lacks some native features and efficiencies of true wide-column databases like Apache Cassandra or Google Bigtable.

Advantages of Using MongoDB for Wide-Column Store Patterns

  1. Flexibility: MongoDB’s schema-less design allows for dynamic and nested structures, similar to wide-column stores.
  2. Ease of Use: MongoDB’s query language is simple and powerful, making it easy to perform CRUD operations.
  3. Scalability: MongoDB is designed to scale horizontally, making it suitable for large datasets.


  1. Lack of Native Column-Family Features: MongoDB does not natively support wide-column store features like column families and efficient wide-row reads.
  2. Complex Queries: Handling large numbers of dynamic columns can become complex and less efficient compared to dedicated wide-column store databases.

3.8 NoSQL Data Modeling

Data modeling techniques for NoSQL databases

Data modeling in NoSQL databases like MongoDB requires different techniques compared to traditional relational databases. MongoDB’s flexible schema design allows for a variety of modeling techniques, each tailored to specific use cases and query patterns. Here, we’ll explore several key data modeling techniques in MongoDB, providing detailed explanations and examples.

1. Embedding

Embedding involves storing related data in the same document. This technique is useful when you frequently need to access the related data together.

Example: Blog Posts and Comments

Document Structure:

{ "_id": "post1", "title": "Understanding MongoDB", "content": "MongoDB is a NoSQL database...", "author": "John Doe", "comments": [ { "author": "Jane Smith", "comment": "Great post!", "date": "2024-06-01" }, { "author": "Alice Johnson", "comment": "Very informative.", "date": "2024-06-02" } ] }


  • Simplifies the data model.
  • Reduces the number of queries needed to retrieve related data.


  • May lead to larger documents, which can affect performance if the document grows too large.

Querying Embedded Data

To retrieve a post and its comments:

db.posts.findOne({ _id: "post1" });


{ "_id": "post1", "title": "Understanding MongoDB", "content": "MongoDB is a NoSQL database...", "author": "John Doe", "comments": [ { "author": "Jane Smith", "comment": "Great post!", "date": "2024-06-01" }, { "author": "Alice Johnson", "comment": "Very informative.", "date": "2024-06-02" } ] }

2. Referencing

Referencing involves storing related data in separate documents and using references (foreign keys) to link them. This is useful for representing many-to-many relationships or when data is frequently accessed independently.

Example: Users and Orders

Users Collection:

{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }

Orders Collection:

{ "_id": "order1", "user_id": "user1", "items": ["item1", "item2"], "total": 100, "date": "2024-06-01" }


  • Keeps documents smaller and more manageable.
  • Allows independent access and updates to related data.


  • Requires multiple queries to retrieve related data.

Querying Referenced Data

To retrieve a user and their orders:

const user = db.users.findOne({ _id: "user1" }); const orders = db.orders.find({ user_id: "user1" }).toArray();



{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }


[ { "_id": "order1", "user_id": "user1", "items": ["item1", "item2"], "total": 100, "date": "2024-06-01" } ]

3. Hybrid Approach

A hybrid approach combines embedding and referencing to balance the advantages and disadvantages of both techniques. Frequently accessed data is embedded, while less frequently accessed data is referenced.

Example: Products and Reviews

Products Collection:

{ "_id": "product1", "name": "Laptop", "description": "A high-performance laptop", "reviews": [ { "user_id": "user1", "rating": 5, "comment": "Excellent!" }, { "user_id": "user2", "rating": 4, "comment": "Very good." } ] }

Users Collection (Referenced in Reviews):

{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }, { "_id": "user2", "name": "Jane Smith", "email": "jane.smith@example.com" }


  • Combines the benefits of embedding and referencing.
  • Optimizes data retrieval and storage.


  • Can be complex to design and manage.

Querying Hybrid Data

To retrieve a product and its reviews:

db.products.findOne({ _id: "product1" });


{ "_id": "product1", "name": "Laptop", "description": "A high-performance laptop", "reviews": [ { "user_id": "user1", "rating": 5, "comment": "Excellent!" }, { "user_id": "user2", "rating": 4, "comment": "Very good." } ] }

4. Bucketing

Bucketing involves grouping data into fixed-size buckets to optimize retrieval and storage. This technique is useful for time-series data.

Example: Sensor Data

Document Structure:

{ "_id": "sensor1_202406", "sensor_id": "sensor1", "month": "2024-06", "readings": [ { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T12:00:00", "temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60 }, { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T12:05:00", "temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59 }, { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T12:10:00", "temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58 } ] }


  • Reduces the number of documents.
  • Optimizes read and write operations for time-series data.


  • Requires careful management of bucket sizes and boundaries.

Querying Bucketed Data

To retrieve sensor data for a specific month:

db.sensor_readings.findOne({ _id: "sensor1_202406" });


{ "_id": "sensor1_202406", "sensor_id": "sensor1", "month": "2024-06", "readings": [ { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T12:00:00", "temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60 }, { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T12:05:00", "temperature": 22.7, "humidity": 59 }, { "timestamp": "2024-06-01T12:10:00", "temperature": 22.6, "humidity": 58 } ] }

5. Using Arrays

Arrays are useful for storing multiple values in a single field, especially when the order of elements is important.

Example: Order Items

Document Structure:

{ "_id": "order1", "user_id": "user1", "date": "2024-06-01", "items": [ { "product_id": "product1", "quantity": 2, "price": 50 }, { "product_id": "product2", "quantity": 1, "price": 30 } ] }


  • Simplifies data modeling for ordered collections.
  • Reduces the number of documents.


  • Can lead to large documents if arrays grow excessively.

Querying Data with Arrays

To retrieve an order and its items:

db.orders.findOne({ _id: "order1" });


{ "_id": "order1", "user_id": "user1", "date": "2024-06-01", "items": [ { "product_id": "product1", "quantity": 2, "price": 50 }, { "product_id": "product2", "quantity": 1, "price": 30 } ] }


MongoDB's flexible schema design allows for various data modeling techniques to suit different use cases and query patterns. By using embedding, referencing, hybrid approaches, bucketing, and arrays, you can optimize your data model for performance, scalability, and maintainability. Understanding these techniques and their trade-offs is crucial for effective data modeling in MongoDB.

By leveraging these techniques, you can design a data model that meets your application's needs and takes full advantage of MongoDB's capabilities.

Schema design considerations

Schema design in MongoDB involves several considerations to ensure that the database performs well, is easy to maintain, and meets the application requirements. Here are the key considerations along with examples and outputs to illustrate each point.

1. Understand Application Query Patterns

Design your schema based on how your application queries the data. MongoDB's flexible schema allows you to shape the data to match your query patterns, optimizing for read and write operations.

Example: E-Commerce Application

Requirement: Retrieve all products in a category along with their reviews.

Schema Design:

{ "_id": "category1", "name": "Electronics", "products": [ { "_id": "product1", "name": "Laptop", "price": 1000, "reviews": [ { "user": "user1", "comment": "Great laptop!", "rating": 5 }, { "user": "user2", "comment": "Good value.", "rating": 4 } ] }, { "_id": "product2", "name": "Smartphone", "price": 500, "reviews": [ { "user": "user3", "comment": "Excellent phone!", "rating": 5 }, { "user": "user4", "comment": "Very nice.", "rating": 4 } ] } ] }


Retrieve all products and their reviews in the "Electronics" category.

db.categories.findOne({ _id: "category1" });


{ "_id": "category1", "name": "Electronics", "products": [ { "_id": "product1", "name": "Laptop", "price": 1000, "reviews": [ { "user": "user1", "comment": "Great laptop!", "rating": 5 }, { "user": "user2", "comment": "Good value.", "rating": 4 } ] }, { "_id": "product2", "name": "Smartphone", "price": 500, "reviews": [ { "user": "user3", "comment": "Excellent phone!", "rating": 5 }, { "user": "user4", "comment": "Very nice.", "rating": 4 } ] } ] }

2. Embed vs. Reference

Decide whether to embed related data or use references based on the relationships and access patterns.


Use embedding for one-to-few relationships and when data is frequently accessed together.

Example: Blog Posts and Comments

{ "_id": "post1", "title": "MongoDB Schema Design", "content": "Content of the blog post...", "comments": [ { "user": "user1", "comment": "Great post!", "date": "2024-06-20" }, { "user": "user2", "comment": "Very informative.", "date": "2024-06-21" } ] }


Retrieve a post and its comments.

db.posts.findOne({ _id: "post1" });


{ "_id": "post1", "title": "MongoDB Schema Design", "content": "Content of the blog post...", "comments": [ { "user": "user1", "comment": "Great post!", "date": "2024-06-20" }, { "user": "user2", "comment": "Very informative.", "date": "2024-06-21" } ] }


Use referencing for one-to-many or many-to-many relationships when data is accessed independently.

Example: Users and Orders

Users Collection:

{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }

Orders Collection:

{ "_id": "order1", "user_id": "user1", "items": ["item1", "item2"], "total": 150, "date": "2024-06-20" }


Retrieve a user and their orders.

const user = db.users.findOne({ _id: "user1" }); const orders = db.orders.find({ user_id: "user1" }).toArray();



{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }


[ { "_id": "order1", "user_id": "user1", "items": ["item1", "item2"], "total": 150, "date": "2024-06-20" } ]

3. Schema Design for Performance

Consider indexes, sharding, and data locality to optimize performance.


Create indexes to improve query performance.

Example: Index on User Email

db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 });


Find a user by email.

db.users.findOne({ email: "john.doe@example.com" });


{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }


Distribute data across multiple servers to improve scalability.

Example: Shard Key on Order Date

db.orders.createIndex({ date: 1 }); sh.status();


{ "shards": [ { "_id": "shard1", "host": "shard1:27017", "state": 1 }, { "_id": "shard2", "host": "shard2:27017", "state": 1 } ], "shardingVersion": { "clusterId": ObjectId("60d5ec49e3c0d5b6dfbc3c5c") } }

4. Data Integrity and Validation

Use schema validation to enforce data integrity.

Example: User Schema Validation

db.createCollection("users", { validator: { $jsonSchema: { bsonType: "object", required: ["name", "email"], properties: { name: { bsonType: "string", description: "must be a string and is required" }, email: { bsonType: "string", pattern: "^.+@.+$", description: "must be a string and match the email format" } } } } });

Insert Valid User:

db.users.insertOne({ name: "John Doe", email: "john.doe@example.com" });


{ "acknowledged": true, "insertedId": "user1" }

Insert Invalid User:

db.users.insertOne({ name: "John Doe", email: "invalid-email" });


{ "acknowledged": false, "writeErrors": [ { "index": 0, "code": 121, "errmsg": "Document failed validation" } ] }

5. Consider Document Size

Avoid excessively large documents to maintain performance. MongoDB's BSON document size limit is 16MB.

Example: Log Entries

Instead of storing all log entries in one document, split them into multiple documents.

Document Structure:

{ "_id": "log1", "timestamp": "2024-06-20T12:00:00Z", "level": "INFO", "message": "Application started." }


Retrieve all log entries.



[ { "_id": "log1", "timestamp": "2024-06-20T12:00:00Z", "level": "INFO", "message": "Application started." }, { "_id": "log2", "timestamp": "2024-06-20T12:01:00Z", "level": "ERROR", "message": "Failed to connect to database." } ]


Schema design in MongoDB involves understanding your application’s query patterns, deciding between embedding and referencing, optimizing for performance with indexing and sharding, enforcing data integrity with schema validation, and considering document size. By carefully designing your schema, you can ensure that your MongoDB database performs well, is easy to maintain, and meets your application requirements.

Normalization vs. denormalization in NoSQL databases

Normalization and denormalization are two contrasting techniques used in database schema design. While normalization aims to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity, denormalization focuses on optimizing read performance by duplicating data. In the context of NoSQL databases like MongoDB, these techniques are applied differently compared to traditional relational databases due to the flexible schema design and the need to optimize for specific use cases.

Normalization in MongoDB

Normalization in MongoDB involves organizing data to minimize redundancy, often by splitting data into multiple collections and using references to maintain relationships. This approach helps maintain data consistency and integrity but may require multiple queries to retrieve related data.

Example: Users and Orders

Users Collection:

{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }

Orders Collection:

{ "_id": "order1", "user_id": "user1", "items": ["item1", "item2"], "total": 150, "date": "2024-06-20" }

Advantages of Normalization:

  • Reduces data redundancy.
  • Ensures data consistency and integrity.
  • Simplifies updates, as changes need to be made in one place.

Disadvantages of Normalization:

  • Requires multiple queries to retrieve related data.
  • Can lead to complex joins or lookups, which may impact performance.

Query: Retrieve User and Their Orders

const user = db.users.findOne({ _id: "user1" }); const orders = db.orders.find({ user_id: "user1" }).toArray();



{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }


[ { "_id": "order1", "user_id": "user1", "items": ["item1", "item2"], "total": 150, "date": "2024-06-20" } ]

Denormalization in MongoDB

Denormalization in MongoDB involves embedding related data within a single document. This approach optimizes read performance by reducing the number of queries needed to retrieve related data. However, it can lead to data redundancy and potential inconsistencies.

Example: Blog Posts and Comments

Blog Posts Collection:

{ "_id": "post1", "title": "Understanding MongoDB", "content": "MongoDB is a NoSQL database...", "author": "John Doe", "comments": [ { "author": "Jane Smith", "comment": "Great post!", "date": "2024-06-01" }, { "author": "Alice Johnson", "comment": "Very informative.", "date": "2024-06-02" } ] }

Advantages of Denormalization:

  • Optimizes read performance by reducing the need for multiple queries.
  • Simplifies data retrieval as related data is stored together.
  • Better suited for read-heavy workloads and applications with denormalized data access patterns.

Disadvantages of Denormalization:

  • Increases data redundancy, leading to potential inconsistencies.
  • Can result in larger documents, which may impact performance if documents grow excessively.

Query: Retrieve Post and Its Comments

db.posts.findOne({ _id: "post1" });


{ "_id": "post1", "title": "Understanding MongoDB", "content": "MongoDB is a NoSQL database...", "author": "John Doe", "comments": [ { "author": "Jane Smith", "comment": "Great post!", "date": "2024-06-01" }, { "author": "Alice Johnson", "comment": "Very informative.", "date": "2024-06-02" } ] }

Trade-Offs Between Normalization and Denormalization

Data Redundancy:

  • Normalization: Minimizes redundancy by storing data in separate collections.
  • Denormalization: Increases redundancy by embedding related data within documents.

Data Integrity:

  • Normalization: Ensures data integrity and consistency.
  • Denormalization: May lead to inconsistencies due to data duplication.

Query Performance:

  • Normalization: May require multiple queries to retrieve related data, impacting performance.
  • Denormalization: Optimizes read performance by reducing the number of queries.

Write Performance:

  • Normalization: Simplifies updates as changes need to be made in one place.
  • Denormalization: Complicates updates as changes may need to be propagated across multiple documents.

Choosing the Right Approach

The choice between normalization and denormalization depends on the specific use case and application requirements:

  • Use Normalization When:

    • Data integrity and consistency are crucial.
    • Data updates are frequent.
    • Data relationships are complex.
  • Use Denormalization When:

    • Read performance is critical.
    • The application is read-heavy.
    • Data access patterns benefit from denormalized structures.

Hybrid Approach

In practice, many MongoDB schemas use a hybrid approach, combining both normalization and denormalization techniques to balance the trade-offs.

Example: Products and Reviews

Products Collection:

{ "_id": "product1", "name": "Laptop", "description": "A high-performance laptop", "category": "Electronics", "price": 1000, "reviews": [ { "user_id": "user1", "rating": 5, "comment": "Excellent!" }, { "user_id": "user2", "rating": 4, "comment": "Very good." } ] }

Users Collection:

{ "_id": "user1", "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com" }, { "_id": "user2", "name": "Jane Smith", "email": "jane.smith@example.com" }

Query: Retrieve Product and Its Reviews

db.products.findOne({ _id: "product1" });


{ "_id": "product1", "name": "Laptop", "description": "A high-performance laptop", "category": "Electronics", "price": 1000, "reviews": [ { "user_id": "user1", "rating": 5, "comment": "Excellent!" }, { "user_id": "user2", "rating": 4, "comment": "Very good." } ] }

In this example, product data is embedded within the product document to optimize read performance, while user data is normalized in a separate collection to maintain data integrity and allow independent updates.


Normalization and denormalization in MongoDB represent two different schema design strategies. Normalization reduces redundancy and ensures data integrity, while denormalization optimizes read performance by embedding related data. The choice between these approaches depends on the specific use case and application requirements. Often, a hybrid approach is used to balance the trade-offs and achieve an optimal schema design.

3.9 Querying NoSQL Databases

Query languages for NoSQL databases

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that uses a flexible, JSON-like format to store data. It provides powerful querying capabilities through its MongoDB Query Language (MQL). Here, I'll explain the key features of MQL and provide examples along with their outputs.

MongoDB Query Language (MQL)

Key Features

  1. Find Documents: Retrieve documents that match specified criteria.
  2. Projection: Specify which fields to return in the matching documents.
  3. Update Documents: Modify existing documents in the collection.
  4. Delete Documents: Remove documents from the collection.
  5. Aggregation: Process data and return computed results.
  6. Indexes: Improve query performance by creating indexes on fields.

Example Collection

Let's consider a MongoDB collection named users with the following documents:

[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 35, "email": "bob@example.com", "status": "inactive" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 4, "name": "Dave", "age": 30, "email": "dave@example.com", "status": "inactive" } ]

Queries and Examples

  1. Find Documents

    Query: Find all users who are active.

    db.users.find({ status: "active" })


    [ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" } ]
  2. Projection

    Query: Find all users but return only their names and emails.

    db.users.find({}, { name: 1, email: 1, _id: 0 })


    [ { "name": "Alice", "email": "alice@example.com" }, { "name": "Bob", "email": "bob@example.com" }, { "name": "Charlie", "email": "charlie@example.com" }, { "name": "Dave", "email": "dave@example.com" } ]
  3. Update Documents

    Query: Update the status of Bob to active.

    db.users.updateOne({ name: "Bob" }, { $set: { status: "active" } })

    Output (after update):

    { "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }

    Updated Document:

    { "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 35, "email": "bob@example.com", "status": "active" }
  4. Delete Documents

    Query: Delete all inactive users.

    db.users.deleteMany({ status: "inactive" })


    { "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 2 }

    Remaining Documents:

    [ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" } ]
  5. Aggregation

    Query: Group users by status and count the number of users in each group.

    db.users.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$status", count: { $sum: 1 } } } ])


    [ { "_id": "active", "count": 2 } ]
  6. Indexes

    Query: Create an index on the email field to improve search performance.

    db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 })


    { "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false, "numIndexesBefore" : 1, "numIndexesAfter" : 2, "ok" : 1 }

These examples demonstrate the basic querying capabilities of MongoDB. The MongoDB Query Language (MQL) provides powerful and flexible options to interact with the data stored in MongoDB collections.

Examples of query languages (e.g., MongoDB Query Language, Cassandra Query Language)

Certainly! Here's an overview of MongoDB Query Language (MQL) and Cassandra Query Language (CQL), focusing on how they are used in their respective databases, MongoDB and Cassandra, with examples and outputs.

MongoDB Query Language (MQL)

MongoDB Query Language (MQL) is used to interact with MongoDB. Below are examples demonstrating various operations:

Example Collection

Let's consider a MongoDB collection named users with the following documents:

[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 35, "email": "bob@example.com", "status": "inactive" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 4, "name": "Dave", "age": 30, "email": "dave@example.com", "status": "inactive" } ]

Find Documents

Query: Find all active users.

db.users.find({ status: "active" })


[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" } ]


Query: Find all users but return only their names and emails.

db.users.find({}, { name: 1, email: 1, _id: 0 })


[ { "name": "Alice", "email": "alice@example.com" }, { "name": "Bob", "email": "bob@example.com" }, { "name": "Charlie", "email": "charlie@example.com" }, { "name": "Dave", "email": "dave@example.com" } ]

Update Documents

Query: Update Bob's status to active.

db.users.updateOne({ name: "Bob" }, { $set: { status: "active" } })


{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }

Updated Document:

{ "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 35, "email": "bob@example.com", "status": "active" }

Delete Documents

Query: Delete all inactive users.

db.users.deleteMany({ status: "inactive" })


{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 2 }

Remaining Documents:

[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" } ]


Query: Group users by status and count the number of users in each group.

db.users.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$status", count: { $sum: 1 } } } ])


[ { "_id": "active", "count": 2 } ]

Cassandra Query Language (CQL)

Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is used to interact with the Cassandra database. Below are examples demonstrating various operations:

Example Table

Let's consider a Cassandra table named users with the following schema:

CREATE TABLE users ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INT, email TEXT, status TEXT );

And some example data:

INSERT INTO users (id, name, age, email, status) VALUES (uuid(), 'Alice', 28, 'alice@example.com', 'active'); INSERT INTO users (id, name, age, email, status) VALUES (uuid(), 'Bob', 35, 'bob@example.com', 'inactive'); INSERT INTO users (id, name, age, email, status) VALUES (uuid(), 'Charlie', 25, 'charlie@example.com', 'active'); INSERT INTO users (id, name, age, email, status) VALUES (uuid(), 'Dave', 30, 'dave@example.com', 'inactive');

Select Statement

Query: Find all active users.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = 'active';


id | name | age | email | status --------------------------------------+---------+-----+---------------------+-------- e2d7a3d0-8e4f-4c2b-8b91-1b95b1f9bdde | Alice | 28 | alice@example.com | active f9a6b6b4-2c4f-4f8c-9bd5-4c1eb848ca41 | Charlie | 25 | charlie@example.com | active

Update Statement

Query: Update Bob's status to active.

UPDATE users SET status = 'active' WHERE id = f9a6b6b4-2c4f-4f8c-9bd5-4c1eb848ca41;


(1 rows affected)

Updated Record:

id | name | age | email | status --------------------------------------+-----+-----+-------------------+-------- f9a6b6b4-2c4f-4f8c-9bd5-4c1eb848ca41 | Bob | 35 | bob@example.com | active

Delete Statement

Query: Delete all inactive users.

DELETE FROM users WHERE status = 'inactive';


(2 rows affected)

Remaining Records:

id | name | age | email | status --------------------------------------+---------+-----+---------------------+-------- e2d7a3d0-8e4f-4c2b-8b91-1b95b1f9bdde | Alice | 28 | alice@example.com | active f9a6b6b4-2c4f-4f8c-9bd5-4c1eb848ca41 | Charlie | 25 | charlie@example.com | active


Both MongoDB Query Language (MQL) and Cassandra Query Language (CQL) offer robust querying capabilities tailored to their respective databases. MQL is designed for MongoDB's flexible, document-oriented storage, while CQL is tailored for Cassandra's distributed, column-family storage model. Each language provides essential functionalities like querying, updating, and deleting records, as well as more advanced operations like aggregation and indexing.

Indexing and querying strategies

Indexing in MongoDB is a crucial strategy to improve the performance of queries. Indexes support the efficient execution of queries by providing quick access to documents. Here, I'll explain different indexing strategies and querying techniques in MongoDB with detailed examples and their outputs.

Indexing Strategies in MongoDB

1. Single Field Index

A single field index is created on one field of the documents in a collection.

Example: Create an index on the email field of the users collection.

db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 })


{ "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false, "numIndexesBefore" : 1, "numIndexesAfter" : 2, "ok" : 1 }

Query: Find a user by email.

db.users.find({ email: "alice@example.com" })


[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" } ]

2. Compound Index

A compound index is created on multiple fields.

Example: Create a compound index on the status and age fields.

db.users.createIndex({ status: 1, age: -1 })


{ "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false, "numIndexesBefore" : 2, "numIndexesAfter" : 3, "ok" : 1 }

Query: Find active users and sort by age in descending order.

db.users.find({ status: "active" }).sort({ age: -1 })


[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" } ]

3. Multikey Index

A multikey index is created on fields that contain arrays.

Example: Consider a collection posts where each document contains an array of tags.

{ "_id": 1, "title": "MongoDB Tutorial", "tags": ["mongodb", "database", "nosql"] }

Create an index on the tags field:

db.posts.createIndex({ tags: 1 })


{ "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false, "numIndexesBefore" : 1, "numIndexesAfter" : 2, "ok" : 1 }

Query: Find posts tagged with "mongodb".

db.posts.find({ tags: "mongodb" })


[ { "_id": 1, "title": "MongoDB Tutorial", "tags": ["mongodb", "database", "nosql"] } ]

4. Text Index

A text index is used to support text search queries on string content.

Example: Create a text index on the title and content fields of the articles collection.

db.articles.createIndex({ title: "text", content: "text" })


{ "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false, "numIndexesBefore" : 1, "numIndexesAfter" : 2, "ok" : 1 }

Query: Perform a text search for the term "MongoDB".

db.articles.find({ $text: { $search: "MongoDB" } })


[ { "_id": 1, "title": "Introduction to MongoDB", "content": "MongoDB is a NoSQL database..." } ]

5. Geospatial Index

A geospatial index supports queries that process geometric shapes, such as points, lines, and polygons.

Example: Create a 2dsphere index for geospatial queries on a locations collection.

{ "_id": 1, "name": "Central Park", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-73.97, 40.77] } }

Create a 2dsphere index on the location field:

db.locations.createIndex({ location: "2dsphere" })


{ "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false, "numIndexesBefore" : 1, "numIndexesAfter" : 2, "ok" : 1 }

Query: Find locations within a specific radius.

db.locations.find({ location: { $near: { $geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [-73.97, 40.77] }, $maxDistance: 5000 } } })


[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Central Park", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-73.97, 40.77] } } ]

Querying Strategies in MongoDB

1. Filtering

Query: Find all users aged above 30.

db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 30 } })


[ { "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 35, "email": "bob@example.com", "status": "inactive" } ]

2. Sorting

Query: Find all users and sort by age in descending order.

db.users.find().sort({ age: -1 })


[ { "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 35, "email": "bob@example.com", "status": "inactive" }, { "_id": 4, "name": "Dave", "age": 30, "email": "dave@example.com", "status": "inactive" }, { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" } ]

3. Projection

Query: Find all users but return only their names and emails.

db.users.find({}, { name: 1, email: 1, _id: 0 })


[ { "name": "Alice", "email": "alice@example.com" }, { "name": "Bob", "email": "bob@example.com" }, { "name": "Charlie", "email": "charlie@example.com" }, { "name": "Dave", "email": "dave@example.com" } ]

4. Pagination

Query: Find users with pagination (skip 1, limit 2).



[ { "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 35, "email": "bob@example.com", "status": "inactive" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" } ]

5. Aggregation

Query: Group users by status and count the number of users in each group.

db.users.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$status", count: { $sum: 1 } } } ])


[ { "_id": "active", "count": 2 }, { "_id": "inactive", "count": 2 } ]


Indexing and querying strategies in MongoDB are essential for optimizing the performance and efficiency of data retrieval. By leveraging various types of indexes and employing effective querying techniques, you can significantly enhance the performance of your MongoDB database.

3.10 Scaling and Performance Optimization

Horizontal vs. vertical scaling in NoSQL databases

Horizontal and vertical scaling are two fundamental strategies for increasing the capacity and performance of databases, including NoSQL databases like MongoDB. Here's a detailed explanation of both scaling methods with examples specific to MongoDB.

Horizontal Scaling (Sharding)

Horizontal scaling, also known as sharding, involves distributing the database across multiple servers. Each server, or shard, holds a portion of the data. This approach allows for handling larger datasets and higher throughput by adding more machines to the pool.

Key Features

  1. Scalability: Easily add more shards to accommodate growing data.
  2. Fault Tolerance: Data is distributed across multiple servers, so the failure of one server doesn't result in complete data loss.
  3. Load Balancing: Distributes read and write operations across multiple servers, reducing the load on any single server.

Example of Horizontal Scaling in MongoDB

  1. Setup Config Servers: Config servers store metadata and configuration settings for the sharded cluster.

    mongod --configsvr --replSet configReplSet --dbpath /data/configdb --port 27019
  2. Initiate Config Servers:

    rs.initiate({ _id: "configReplSet", configsvr: true, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "localhost:27019" } ] })
  3. Setup Shard Servers: Each shard server holds a portion of the data.

    mongod --shardsvr --replSet shardReplSet1 --dbpath /data/shard1 --port 27018
  4. Initiate Shard Servers:

    rs.initiate({ _id: "shardReplSet1", members: [ { _id: 0, host: "localhost:27018" } ] })
  5. Setup Mongos: Mongos is the query router that routes queries to the appropriate shards.

    mongos --configdb configReplSet/localhost:27019 --port 27017
  6. Add Shards to Cluster:

  7. Enable Sharding on Database:

  8. Shard a Collection:

    sh.shardCollection("myDatabase.myCollection", { shardKeyField: 1 })

Querying a Sharded Collection:

db.myCollection.find({ shardKeyField: "someValue" })


[ { "_id": 1, "shardKeyField": "someValue", "data": "..." }, { "_id": 2, "shardKeyField": "someValue", "data": "..." } ]

Vertical Scaling

Vertical scaling involves increasing the capacity of a single server by adding more resources (CPU, RAM, storage). This approach is simpler but has limitations since a single machine's capacity is finite.

Key Features

  1. Simplicity: Easier to implement since it doesn't require data distribution.
  2. Cost: Initially, it might be cheaper than setting up a distributed system.
  3. Performance: Suitable for applications with limited data and predictable growth.

Example of Vertical Scaling in MongoDB

  1. Increase Server Resources: Upgrade the server's hardware (e.g., add more RAM, increase CPU cores, or enhance storage capacity).

  2. Optimize MongoDB Configuration: Adjust MongoDB settings to utilize the enhanced resources effectively.

    storage: dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb journal: enabled: true systemLog: destination: file path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log logAppend: true processManagement: fork: true net: bindIp: port: 27017
  3. Example Query: With enhanced resources, the performance of complex queries improves.

    db.largeCollection.find({ complexQueryField: { $gt: 1000 } })


[ { "_id": 1, "complexQueryField": 1500, "data": "..." }, { "_id": 2, "complexQueryField": 2000, "data": "..." } ]


FeatureHorizontal Scaling (Sharding)Vertical Scaling
ScalabilityHigh, can add more serversLimited by the hardware of a single server
ComplexityMore complex to set up and maintainSimpler to implement
CostCan be more expensive initiallyInitially cheaper but becomes costly as resource limits are approached
Fault ToleranceHigh, failure of one server doesn't affect the whole systemLower, failure affects the entire system
PerformanceBetter for large-scale, high-throughput applicationsSuitable for smaller applications with predictable growth


  • Horizontal Scaling is ideal for applications requiring large-scale data handling and high availability. It involves distributing the database across multiple servers to handle growing data and traffic.
  • Vertical Scaling is suitable for smaller applications or initial stages of deployment. It focuses on increasing the capacity of a single server by adding more resources.

Understanding the needs of your application and its growth trajectory is crucial in deciding whether to implement horizontal or vertical scaling for your MongoDB database.

Partitioning and sharding strategies

Partitioning and sharding are critical strategies for managing large-scale data in NoSQL databases like MongoDB. Both strategies help in distributing data across multiple nodes, improving performance, and ensuring high availability. Here, we'll explore the partitioning and sharding strategies in MongoDB with detailed examples and their outputs.

Partitioning vs. Sharding

Partitioning refers to the division of a database into smaller, more manageable pieces. While partitioning is a general term used across various database systems, sharding specifically refers to the horizontal partitioning of data across multiple machines or clusters.

Sharding in MongoDB

MongoDB uses sharding to distribute data across multiple servers. This approach allows the database to scale out horizontally, distributing both data and load across multiple nodes.

Key Components of MongoDB Sharding

  1. Shards: Individual database instances that hold a portion of the data.
  2. Config Servers: Store metadata and configuration settings for the cluster.
  3. Mongos: The query router that routes queries to the appropriate shards.

Sharding Strategies

  1. Hashed Sharding
  2. Range Sharding
  3. Zone Sharding

1. Hashed Sharding

In hashed sharding, MongoDB computes a hash of the shard key field's value. The hash values are then evenly distributed across the shards.

Example of Hashed Sharding

  1. Create a Sharded Cluster

    # Start Config Servers mongod --configsvr --replSet configReplSet --dbpath /data/configdb --port 27019 mongod --configsvr --replSet configReplSet --dbpath /data/configdb2 --port 27020 mongod --configsvr --replSet configReplSet --dbpath /data/configdb3 --port 27021 # Initiate Config Server Replica Set mongo --port 27019 rs.initiate({ _id: "configReplSet", configsvr: true, members: [ { _id: 0, host: "localhost:27019" }, { _id: 1, host: "localhost:27020" }, { _id: 2, host: "localhost:27021" } ] }) # Start Shard Servers mongod --shardsvr --replSet shardReplSet1 --dbpath /data/shard1 --port 27018 mongod --shardsvr --replSet shardReplSet2 --dbpath /data/shard2 --port 27022 # Initiate Shard Server Replica Sets mongo --port 27018 rs.initiate({ _id: "shardReplSet1", members: [{ _id: 0, host: "localhost:27018" }] }) mongo --port 27022 rs.initiate({ _id: "shardReplSet2", members: [{ _id: 0, host: "localhost:27022" }] }) # Start Mongos mongos --configdb configReplSet/localhost:27019,localhost:27020,localhost:27021 --port 27017
  2. Add Shards to the Cluster

    mongo --port 27017 sh.addShard("shardReplSet1/localhost:27018") sh.addShard("shardReplSet2/localhost:27022")
  3. Enable Sharding on the Database

  4. Shard a Collection Using a Hashed Key

    sh.shardCollection("myDatabase.myCollection", { _id: "hashed" })

Querying a Sharded Collection with Hashed Sharding

db.myCollection.find({ _id: ObjectId("60c72b2f9f1b4b3a4c8b4567") })


[ { "_id": ObjectId("60c72b2f9f1b4b3a4c8b4567"), "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com" } ]

2. Range Sharding

In range sharding, MongoDB divides data into ranges based on the shard key values. Each range is then assigned to a shard. This strategy is useful when queries involve range queries on the shard key.

Example of Range Sharding

  1. Enable Sharding on the Database

  2. Shard a Collection Using a Range Key

    sh.shardCollection("myDatabase.myCollection", { age: 1 })

Querying a Sharded Collection with Range Sharding

db.myCollection.find({ age: { $gt: 25 } })


[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com" }, { "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 35, "email": "bob@example.com" }, { "_id": 4, "name": "Dave", "age": 30, "email": "dave@example.com" } ]

3. Zone Sharding

Zone sharding allows for more fine-grained control over data distribution by defining zones that map to specific shards. Each zone contains one or more ranges of shard keys.

Example of Zone Sharding

  1. Enable Sharding on the Database

  2. Shard a Collection

    sh.shardCollection("myDatabase.myCollection", { age: 1 })
  3. Create Zones

    sh.addShardToZone("shardReplSet1", "ZoneA") sh.addShardToZone("shardReplSet2", "ZoneB")
  4. Assign Key Ranges to Zones

    sh.updateZoneKeyRange("myDatabase.myCollection", { age: MinKey }, { age: 30 }, "ZoneA") sh.updateZoneKeyRange("myDatabase.myCollection", { age: 30 }, { age: MaxKey }, "ZoneB")

Querying a Sharded Collection with Zone Sharding

db.myCollection.find({ age: { $lt: 30 } })


[ { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com" } ]


Partitioning and Sharding in MongoDB are powerful strategies for handling large-scale data and distributing load. By using hashed, range, or zone sharding, you can ensure your database scales horizontally, remains highly available, and performs efficiently under various workloads. Understanding the specific needs of your application is crucial for choosing the right sharding strategy.

Performance optimization techniques

Optimizing performance in MongoDB involves a combination of proper schema design, efficient indexing, appropriate query practices, and system-level optimizations. Here are several performance optimization techniques in MongoDB, along with examples and their outputs:

1. Schema Design Optimization

Use Embedded Documents and Arrays

Embedding data allows for fewer queries and less need for joins, which can enhance read performance.

Example: Instead of using two collections, users and addresses, embed addresses within the users collection.


// users { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice" } // addresses { "_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "address": "123 Main St" }


{ "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "addresses": [{ "address": "123 Main St" }] }


db.users.find({ "addresses.address": "123 Main St" })


[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "addresses": [{ "address": "123 Main St" }] } ]

2. Indexing

Proper indexing can significantly improve query performance by reducing the amount of data scanned.

Create Indexes

Example: Create an index on the email field.

db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 })


db.users.find({ email: "alice@example.com" })


[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "email": "alice@example.com" } ]

Use Compound Indexes

Example: Create a compound index on the status and age fields.

db.users.createIndex({ status: 1, age: -1 })


db.users.find({ status: "active" }).sort({ age: -1 })


[ { "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 28, "email": "alice@example.com", "status": "active" }, { "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 25, "email": "charlie@example.com", "status": "active" } ]

3. Query Optimization

Use Projection

Fetching only necessary fields can reduce the amount of data transferred over the network and improve performance.


db.users.find({ status: "active" }, { name: 1, email: 1, _id: 0 })


[ { "name": "Alice", "email": "alice@example.com" }, { "name": "Charlie", "email": "charlie@example.com" } ]

Avoid Large Inefficient Queries

Avoid using queries that can result in large amounts of data being processed or transferred.

Example: Instead of this inefficient query:

db.users.find({ name: /^A/ })

Use a more precise query, if possible:

db.users.find({ name: "Alice" })

4. Aggregation Pipeline Optimization

Use $match Early

Place $match stages as early as possible in the pipeline to reduce the number of documents processed.


db.orders.aggregate([ { $match: { status: "completed" } }, { $group: { _id: "$customerId", totalAmount: { $sum: "$amount" } } } ])


[ { "_id": 1, "totalAmount": 250 }, { "_id": 2, "totalAmount": 300 } ]

5. Sharding for Horizontal Scalability

Distribute data across multiple servers to balance the load and improve performance.


  1. Enable Sharding on a Collection:

  2. Shard a Collection Using a Range Key:

    sh.shardCollection("myDatabase.myCollection", { userId: 1 })


db.myCollection.find({ userId: 12345 })


[ { "_id": "abc123", "userId": 12345, "data": "..." } ]

6. System-Level Optimizations

Increase RAM

More RAM allows MongoDB to keep more of the working set in memory, reducing the need to access disk.

Example: Upgrading server memory from 16GB to 64GB.

Use Solid State Drives (SSDs)

SSDs have faster read/write speeds compared to traditional hard drives.

Example: Migrating MongoDB data files to SSDs.

7. Connection Pooling

Reuse connections rather than opening and closing connections frequently, which can be expensive.

Example: Configure connection pooling in your MongoDB driver (e.g., for Node.js using Mongoose).

const mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/myDatabase', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, poolSize: 10 });


Optimizing MongoDB performance requires a holistic approach, considering schema design, indexing, query practices, and hardware configurations. By implementing these techniques, you can ensure that your MongoDB database operates efficiently, even under heavy loads.

3.11 Data Consistency and Concurrency Control

Consistency models in NoSQL databases

NoSQL databases, including MongoDB, offer various consistency models to balance between performance, scalability, and consistency. Understanding these models is essential for designing robust applications. Here's a detailed look at the consistency models in MongoDB with examples and their outputs:

Consistency Models

  1. Eventual Consistency
  2. Strong Consistency
  3. Monotonic Consistency
  4. Causal Consistency

1. Eventual Consistency

In the eventual consistency model, all replicas will become consistent over time, but they might not be consistent at any given moment. This model is suitable for use cases where eventual consistency is acceptable and where the system can tolerate temporary inconsistencies.

Example Scenario: A distributed social media application where user posts can be slightly out-of-sync across different regions but will eventually become consistent.

Example: Consider a sharded MongoDB cluster where writes are distributed across multiple shards.

// Insert a document into the "posts" collection db.posts.insert({ _id: 1, content: "Hello World!", userId: 123 })

Output: The document will be eventually consistent across all replicas:

// Immediate read from different nodes might yield different results [ { "_id": 1, "content": "Hello World!", "userId": 123 } // Node A // Node B might not have the document immediately ] // Eventually, all nodes will have the document [ { "_id": 1, "content": "Hello World!", "userId": 123 } // Node A { "_id": 1, "content": "Hello World!", "userId": 123 } // Node B ]

2. Strong Consistency

Strong consistency ensures that a read operation always returns the most recent write. In MongoDB, this is achieved using the majority read concern.

Example Scenario: A financial application where the account balance must always reflect the most recent transaction.

Example: Ensure read operations reflect the most recent write using the majority read concern.

// Insert a document into the "accounts" collection db.accounts.insert({ _id: 1, balance: 1000 }) // Update the balance db.accounts.update({ _id: 1 }, { $set: { balance: 1200 } }) // Read with majority read concern db.accounts.find({ _id: 1 }).readConcern("majority")


[ { "_id": 1, "balance": 1200 } ]

3. Monotonic Consistency

Monotonic consistency ensures that if a process has seen a particular value for a data item, it will never see an older value in subsequent accesses.

Example Scenario: An email application where once a user has seen a new email, they should not see an older state of their inbox.

Example: Ensure that once a new email is read, older states are not seen.

// Insert a new email into the "inbox" collection db.inbox.insert({ _id: 1, userId: 123, email: "Welcome to our service!" }) // Update the email content db.inbox.update({ _id: 1 }, { $set: { email: "Your account has been activated!" } }) // Read operations var firstRead = db.inbox.find({ _id: 1 }) var secondRead = db.inbox.find({ _id: 1 })


// First read { "_id": 1, "userId": 123, "email": "Your account has been activated!" } // Second read will never return the older state { "_id": 1, "userId": 123, "email": "Your account has been activated!" }

4. Causal Consistency

Causal consistency ensures that operations that are causally related are seen by all nodes in the same order. If operation A causally precedes operation B, then every node that sees B will also see A.

Example Scenario: A collaborative document editing application where changes made by one user should be seen by others in a causally consistent order.

Example: Ensure that updates made by users are seen in the same order by all users.

// User A updates a document db.docs.update({ _id: 1 }, { $set: { content: "Version 1" } }) // User B makes another update based on User A's update db.docs.update({ _id: 1 }, { $set: { content: "Version 2" } }) // Read operations var readA = db.docs.find({ _id: 1 }) var readB = db.docs.find({ _id: 1 })


// Read by User A and User B will both see the updates in the same order { "_id": 1, "content": "Version 2" }

Implementing Consistency Models in MongoDB

MongoDB provides various tools and settings to achieve different consistency models:

Read Concerns

  • local: Returns the most recent data a node has.
  • majority: Returns the most recent data acknowledged by a majority of nodes.
  • linearizable: Ensures reads are immediately consistent across all nodes.

Write Concerns

  • w: 1: Acknowledges writes after the primary node confirms.
  • w: majority: Acknowledges writes after a majority of nodes confirm.

Example: Using read and write concerns to ensure strong consistency.

// Write with majority write concern db.accounts.update( { _id: 1 }, { $set: { balance: 1200 } }, { writeConcern: { w: "majority" } } ) // Read with majority read concern db.accounts.find( { _id: 1 }, { readConcern: { level: "majority" } } )


[ { "_id": 1, "balance": 1200 } ]


MongoDB offers flexible consistency models that can be tailored to the needs of different applications. By understanding and appropriately applying these models, you can ensure your application achieves the right balance of performance, scalability, and consistency.

Eventual consistency vs. strong consistency

Eventual consistency and strong consistency are two fundamental consistency models in distributed databases, including MongoDB. Understanding these models is crucial for designing applications that meet specific data consistency requirements. Below, we explore these two models in the context of MongoDB, with detailed explanations, examples, and outputs.

Eventual Consistency

Eventual Consistency means that all replicas of the data will become consistent over time, but they might not be immediately consistent following a write. This model is often used in systems where availability and partition tolerance are prioritized over immediate consistency.


  • High Availability: The system remains available even if some replicas are not immediately updated.
  • Partition Tolerance: The system can continue to function even if some parts are temporarily unable to communicate.
  • Inconsistency Window: There is a period during which different nodes may have different values for the same data.

Example Scenario

Consider a social media application where user posts can be slightly out-of-sync across different regions but will eventually become consistent.


  1. Insert a Document:

    db.posts.insert({ _id: 1, content: "Hello World!", userId: 123 })
  2. Immediate Read from Different Nodes:

    • Node A might have the document immediately.
    • Node B might not have the document immediately.
  3. Eventually Consistent:

    • After some time, both Node A and Node B will have the document.


db.posts.find({ _id: 1 })


// Immediate read from Node A [ { "_id": 1, "content": "Hello World!", "userId": 123 } ] // Immediate read from Node B [] // Document might not be available immediately // Eventually, both nodes will have the document [ { "_id": 1, "content": "Hello World!", "userId": 123 } ]

Strong Consistency

Strong Consistency ensures that a read operation always returns the most recent write. In MongoDB, this is typically achieved using majority read concern or linearizable read concern.


  • Immediate Consistency: All reads reflect the most recent writes.
  • Higher Latency: Reads and writes may take longer due to the need for coordination across replicas.
  • Reduced Availability: The system might become unavailable if it cannot ensure consistency.

Example Scenario

A financial application where the account balance must always reflect the most recent transaction.


  1. Insert a Document:

    db.accounts.insert({ _id: 1, balance: 1000 })
  2. Update the Balance:

    db.accounts.update({ _id: 1 }, { $set: { balance: 1200 } }, { writeConcern: { w: "majority" } })
  3. Read with Majority Read Concern:

    db.accounts.find({ _id: 1 }).readConcern("majority")


db.accounts.find({ _id: 1 }).readConcern("majority")


[ { "_id": 1, "balance": 1200 } ]

Implementing Consistency Models in MongoDB

Eventual Consistency in MongoDB

MongoDB defaults to eventual consistency for reads, meaning the data returned might not be the most recent but will become consistent over time.


  1. Insert a Document:

    db.posts.insert({ _id: 1, content: "Hello World!", userId: 123 })
  2. Immediate Read without Read Concern:

    db.posts.find({ _id: 1 })


// Immediate read might not reflect the latest write [] // After some time, the read will reflect the latest write [ { "_id": 1, "content": "Hello World!", "userId": 123 } ]

Strong Consistency in MongoDB

To achieve strong consistency, use majority or linearizable read concerns, ensuring reads reflect the most recent writes.


  1. Insert a Document:

    db.accounts.insert({ _id: 1, balance: 1000 })
  2. Update with Majority Write Concern:

    db.accounts.update({ _id: 1 }, { $set: { balance: 1200 } }, { writeConcern: { w: "majority" } })
  3. Read with Majority Read Concern:

    db.accounts.find({ _id: 1 }).readConcern("majority")


[ { "_id": 1, "balance": 1200 } ]

Comparison of Eventual and Strong Consistency

FeatureEventual ConsistencyStrong Consistency
ConsistencyData becomes consistent over timeData is always consistent immediately
AvailabilityHigh, even during network partitionsReduced, might become unavailable
LatencyLow, faster reads and writesHigher, due to synchronization
Use CaseSocial media, caching, log processingFinancial transactions, critical data
ExampleSocial media posts, user sessionsBank account balances, inventory systems


Choosing between eventual and strong consistency in MongoDB depends on the specific requirements of your application. Eventual consistency offers higher availability and lower latency, making it suitable for scenarios where immediate consistency is not critical. Strong consistency ensures immediate consistency at the cost of higher latency and reduced availability, making it ideal for applications where data accuracy is paramount. By understanding these models and using MongoDB's features appropriately, you can design a system that balances performance and consistency according to your needs.

Concurrency control mechanisms in distributed NoSQL systems

Concurrency control is essential in distributed NoSQL systems like MongoDB to ensure data consistency, isolation, and integrity when multiple clients or nodes access the database simultaneously. MongoDB provides various mechanisms to handle concurrency control, including locking, optimistic concurrency control, and atomic operations. Here are the details and examples of these concurrency control mechanisms:

1. Locking

MongoDB uses a reader-writer lock at the database and collection level to manage concurrent operations.


  • Read Lock: Multiple read operations can acquire a shared lock simultaneously.
  • Write Lock: Write operations acquire an exclusive lock, preventing other read or write operations on the affected database or collection during the write process.


Consider two clients performing read and write operations on the same collection.

Client 1 (Writer):

// Client 1 starts a write operation db.inventory.update( { _id: 1 }, { $set: { stock: 50 } } )

Client 2 (Reader):

// Client 2 attempts a read operation during Client 1's write db.inventory.find({ _id: 1 })


  • Client 1's write operation acquires an exclusive lock.
  • Client 2's read operation waits until the write lock is released.
// Output after write lock is released [ { "_id": 1, "stock": 50 } ]

2. Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC)

Optimistic concurrency control in MongoDB involves using versioning to ensure that updates are applied to the most recent version of a document.


  • Version Field: A field (e.g., version or lastModified) is used to track changes.
  • Check Version: Before updating a document, the current version is checked to ensure it hasn't changed since it was read.


Consider a scenario where two clients attempt to update the same document.

Client 1:

// Client 1 reads the document var product = db.inventory.findOne({ _id: 1 }) // product: { _id: 1, stock: 50, version: 1 } // Client 1 updates the document product.stock = 45 product.version += 1 db.inventory.update( { _id: product._id, version: product.version - 1 }, { $set: { stock: product.stock, version: product.version } } )

Client 2:

// Client 2 reads the same document var product = db.inventory.findOne({ _id: 1 }) // product: { _id: 1, stock: 50, version: 1 } // Client 2 updates the document product.stock = 40 product.version += 1 var result = db.inventory.update( { _id: product._id, version: product.version - 1 }, { $set: { stock: product.stock, version: product.version } } )


  • Client 1's update succeeds.
  • Client 2's update fails due to version mismatch.
// Client 2's update result { "matchedCount": 0, "modifiedCount": 0, "acknowledged": true }

3. Atomic Operations

MongoDB supports atomic operations on single documents, ensuring that read-modify-write cycles are performed without interference from other operations.


  • Atomic Updates: Operations like $inc, $set, and $push are atomic at the document level.
  • Isolation: Ensures that each document update is isolated from others.


Consider multiple clients incrementing the same field concurrently.

Client 1:

// Client 1 increments the stock by 5 db.inventory.update( { _id: 1 }, { $inc: { stock: 5 } } )

Client 2:

// Client 2 increments the stock by 3 db.inventory.update( { _id: 1 }, { $inc: { stock: 3 } } )

Output: The operations are performed atomically, resulting in a consistent final state.

// Final document state { "_id": 1, "stock": 58 // Assuming initial stock was 50 }

4. Transactions

MongoDB supports multi-document transactions, ensuring atomicity across multiple operations and collections.


  • ACID Compliance: Transactions provide Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
  • Commit/Rollback: Transactions can be committed or rolled back based on the operation success or failure.


Consider a banking application where a transaction involves debiting one account and crediting another.


// Start a session var session = db.getMongo().startSession() session.startTransaction() try { // Debit account A db.accounts.updateOne( { _id: "A" }, { $inc: { balance: -100 } }, { session: session } ) // Credit account B db.accounts.updateOne( { _id: "B" }, { $inc: { balance: 100 } }, { session: session } ) // Commit the transaction session.commitTransaction() } catch (error) { // Rollback the transaction on error session.abortTransaction() } session.endSession()


  • If both updates succeed, the transaction commits, and balances are updated.
  • If any update fails, the transaction rolls back, and balances remain unchanged.
// Output after successful transaction [ { "_id": "A", "balance": 900 }, // Assuming initial balance was 1000 { "_id": "B", "balance": 1100 } // Assuming initial balance was 1000 ] // Output after failed transaction (rollback) [ { "_id": "A", "balance": 1000 }, { "_id": "B", "balance": 1000 } ]


Concurrency control in MongoDB involves using a combination of locking mechanisms, optimistic concurrency control, atomic operations, and transactions to ensure data consistency and integrity in distributed environments. These mechanisms help manage concurrent access to the database, providing a balance between performance and consistency based on application requirements. By understanding and applying these techniques appropriately, developers can build robust and scalable MongoDB applications.

3.12 NoSQL Database Administration

Installation and configuration of NoSQL database systems

Installing and configuring MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, involves several steps to ensure a properly set up and running system. Below are detailed instructions, examples, and outputs for installing and configuring MongoDB on a Linux system, specifically Ubuntu. Similar principles apply to other operating systems with slight variations.

Installation of MongoDB on Ubuntu

Step 1: Import the MongoDB Public GPG Key

To ensure that the package you are downloading is genuine, add the MongoDB GPG key to your system.

wget -qO - https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.4.asc | sudo apt-key add -



Step 2: Create a MongoDB Source List File

Add the MongoDB repository details to your system's package manager.

echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list


deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse

Step 3: Update the Package Database

Refresh the local package database to include the MongoDB packages.

sudo apt-get update


Hit:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal InRelease Get:2 http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu focal/mongodb-org/4.4 InRelease [3,967 B] ... Reading package lists... Done

Step 4: Install MongoDB Packages

Install the MongoDB packages, including the server, client, and other tools.

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org


Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following additional packages will be installed: mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-mongos mongodb-org-shell mongodb-org-tools The following NEW packages will be installed: mongodb-org mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-mongos mongodb-org-shell mongodb-org-tools 0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 95.5 MB of archives. After this operation, 317 MB of additional disk space will be used. ...

Step 5: Start MongoDB

Start the MongoDB service.

sudo systemctl start mongod

Output: No direct output, but you can check the service status.

Step 6: Verify MongoDB Installation

Check if MongoDB is running correctly.

sudo systemctl status mongod


● mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-05-28 10:47:20 UTC; 5min ago Docs: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual Main PID: 1124 (mongod) Memory: 105.6M CGroup: /system.slice/mongod.service └─1124 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf ...

Step 7: Enable MongoDB to Start on Boot

Ensure MongoDB starts automatically with the system.

sudo systemctl enable mongod


Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/mongod.service → /lib/systemd/system/mongod.service.

Configuration of MongoDB

After installation, MongoDB requires some configuration to meet specific needs.

Configuring the MongoDB Configuration File

The primary MongoDB configuration file is located at /etc/mongod.conf. Here you can set various options, such as the data directory, log directory, and network interfaces.

# mongod.conf # Where and how to store data. storage: dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb journal: enabled: true # where to write logging data. systemLog: destination: file logAppend: true path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log # network interfaces net: port: 27017 bindIp: # Listen to local interface only, comment to listen on all interfaces.

Example: Enable Remote Access

To allow remote connections, modify the bindIp setting:

net: port: 27017 bindIp: # Listen on all interfaces

After making changes, restart MongoDB:

sudo systemctl restart mongod

Output: No direct output, but you can verify the status again:

sudo systemctl status mongod

Security: Create an Administrative User

For security reasons, you should create an administrative user to manage MongoDB.

  1. Connect to MongoDB:

  2. Switch to the admin database:

    use admin
  3. Create an admin user:

    db.createUser( { user: "admin", pwd: "password", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] } )


{ "ok" : 1 }
  1. Enable authentication by editing /etc/mongod.conf:

    security: authorization: "enabled"
  2. Restart MongoDB:

    sudo systemctl restart mongod
  3. Connect with the new admin user:

    mongo -u admin -p password --authenticationDatabase admin


These steps cover the installation and basic configuration of MongoDB on an Ubuntu system. By following these instructions, you can ensure MongoDB is correctly installed and configured to suit your needs, including enabling remote access and setting up authentication for security.

Backup and recovery strategies Windows, Linux and Mac

Backup and Recovery Strategies in MongoDB for Windows, Linux, and Mac

Backup and recovery in MongoDB can be performed using a variety of tools and techniques. Here, I'll cover strategies for each platform (Windows, Linux, and Mac) using mongodump and mongorestore, as well as other methods like filesystem snapshots and MongoDB Atlas.

1. mongodump and mongorestore


Backup with mongodump:

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.

  2. Run mongodump to back up the mydb database to C:\backup\dump\.

    mongodump --db mydb --out C:\backup\dump\
2023-06-25T12:00:00.123+0000 writing mydb.collection1 to C:\backup\dump\mydb\collection1.bson 2023-06-25T12:00:00.456+0000 writing mydb.collection2 to C:\backup\dump\mydb\collection2.bson 2023-06-25T12:00:00.789+0000 dumped 2 collections from mydb

Recovery with mongorestore:

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.

  2. Run mongorestore to restore the mydb database from the dump.

    mongorestore --db mydb C:\backup\dump\mydb\
2023-06-25T13:00:00.123+0000 restoring mydb.collection1 from C:\backup\dump\mydb\collection1.bson 2023-06-25T13:00:00.456+0000 restoring mydb.collection2 from C:\backup\dump\mydb\collection2.bson 2023-06-25T13:00:00.789+0000 restored 2 collections to mydb


Backup with mongodump:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Run mongodump to back up the mydb database to /backup/dump/.

    mongodump --db mydb --out /backup/dump/
2023-06-25T12:00:00.123+0000 writing mydb.collection1 to /backup/dump/mydb/collection1.bson 2023-06-25T12:00:00.456+0000 writing mydb.collection2 to /backup/dump/mydb/collection2.bson 2023-06-25T12:00:00.789+0000 dumped 2 collections from mydb

Recovery with mongorestore:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Run mongorestore to restore the mydb database from the dump.

    mongorestore --db mydb /backup/dump/mydb/
2023-06-25T13:00:00.123+0000 restoring mydb.collection1 from /backup/dump/mydb/collection1.bson 2023-06-25T13:00:00.456+0000 restoring mydb.collection2 from /backup/dump/mydb/collection2.bson 2023-06-25T13:00:00.789+0000 restored 2 collections to mydb


Backup with mongodump:

  1. Open Terminal.

  2. Run mongodump to back up the mydb database to /Users/username/backup/dump/.

    mongodump --db mydb --out /Users/username/backup/dump/
2023-06-25T12:00:00.123+0000 writing mydb.collection1 to /Users/username/backup/dump/mydb/collection1.bson 2023-06-25T12:00:00.456+0000 writing mydb.collection2 to /Users/username/backup/dump/mydb/collection2.bson 2023-06-25T12:00:00.789+0000 dumped 2 collections from mydb

Recovery with mongorestore:

  1. Open Terminal.

  2. Run mongorestore to restore the mydb database from the dump.

    mongorestore --db mydb /Users/username/backup/dump/mydb/
2023-06-25T13:00:00.123+0000 restoring mydb.collection1 from /Users/username/backup/dump/mydb/collection1.bson 2023-06-25T13:00:00.456+0000 restoring mydb.collection2 from /Users/username/backup/dump/mydb/collection2.bson 2023-06-25T13:00:00.789+0000 restored 2 collections to mydb

2. File System Snapshots


Windows does not have native support for LVM snapshots like Linux, but you can use Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).

  1. Pause MongoDB service.

    net stop MongoDB
  2. Create a VSS snapshot.

    vssadmin create shadow /for=C:
  3. Resume MongoDB service.

    net start MongoDB


Using LVM for filesystem snapshots.

  1. Pause MongoDB.

    mongod --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb --shutdown
  2. Create an LVM snapshot.

    lvcreate --size 10G --snapshot --name mdb-snap /dev/vg0/mongodb
  3. Resume MongoDB.

    mongod --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb


macOS does not have LVM, but you can use Time Machine for filesystem snapshots.

  1. Ensure Time Machine is configured.

  2. Pause MongoDB service.

    sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist
  3. Create a Time Machine snapshot.

    tmutil snapshot
  4. Resume MongoDB service.

    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.mongodb.mongod.plist

3. MongoDB Atlas Backup

MongoDB Atlas provides automated backups regardless of the operating system.

Configuration and Restore:

  1. Log in to MongoDB Atlas.
  2. Navigate to your cluster and go to the "Backup" tab.
  3. Enable backups and configure backup frequency.
  4. To restore, select the desired snapshot and follow the instructions to restore to a cluster or download.


Each operating system has its specific tools and methods for performing MongoDB backups and restores. Using mongodump and mongorestore is a universal method across all platforms. File system snapshots offer a more system-integrated solution, while MongoDB Atlas provides a comprehensive cloud-based approach. Choose the strategy that best fits your infrastructure and operational requirements.

Monitoring and maintenance of NoSQL databases

Monitoring and maintenance of NoSQL databases like MongoDB are crucial for ensuring their performance, reliability, and security. Here’s a detailed overview of how to perform these tasks on Windows, Linux, and Mac, including examples and expected outputs.

1. Monitoring MongoDB

1.1 Tools for Monitoring

  • MongoDB Atlas: Provides a cloud-based monitoring service.
  • MongoDB Ops Manager: For on-premise monitoring.
  • Third-party tools: Such as Prometheus, Grafana, Nagios, etc.
  • Built-in tools: mongostat, mongotop.

1.2 Using mongostat

mongostat provides a quick overview of MongoDB instance status.

Example Command:

mongostat --host localhost:27017


insert query update delete getmore command flushes mapped vsize res qrw arw net_in net_out conn time *0 *0 *0 *0 0 2|0 0 0 5.93G 547M 0|0 1|0 1k 30k 1 2023-06-25T12:00:00Z *0 *0 *0 *0 0 1|0 0 0 5.93G 547M 0|0 1|0 1k 30k 1 2023-06-25T12:00:01Z

1.3 Using mongotop

mongotop tracks the amount of time a MongoDB instance spends reading and writing data.

Example Command:

mongotop 1


ns total read write 2023-06-25T12:00:00Z mydb.coll 0ms 0ms 0ms mydb.othercoll 1ms 1ms 0ms

2. Maintenance Tasks

2.1 Regular Backups

Ensure you regularly back up your MongoDB databases using mongodump or other backup strategies mentioned previously.

2.2 Index Management

Indexes are crucial for query performance. Regularly monitor and rebuild indexes.

Rebuilding an Index:



{ "nIndexesWas" : 1, "msg" : "indexes dropped for collection", "ok" : 1 }

2.3 Database Profiling

Database profiling helps in identifying slow queries.

Enable Profiling:



{ "was" : 1, "slowms" : 100, "ok" : 1 }

View Profiling Data:



{ "op" : "query", "ns" : "mydb.collection", "millis" : 35, "query" : { "x" : 1 } }

2.4 Log Analysis

Analyze MongoDB logs for errors and warnings.

Check Logs on Linux/Mac:

tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

Check Logs on Windows:

Get-Content "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\log\mongod.log" -Wait

3. Platform-Specific Monitoring and Maintenance

3.1 Windows

  • Use Performance Monitor to track MongoDB performance counters.
  • Configure Windows Task Scheduler for regular backup tasks.

Example Task Scheduler Command:

  1. Open Task Scheduler.
  2. Create a new task to run the backup command:
    mongodump --db mydb --out C:\backup\dump\

3.2 Linux

  • Use cron jobs for scheduling regular maintenance tasks.
  • Use systemd for service management.

Example Cron Job:

  1. Open the crontab editor:
    crontab -e
  2. Add a job to run daily at midnight:
    0 0 * * * /usr/bin/mongodump --db mydb --out /backup/dump/

3.3 Mac

  • Use launchd for scheduling tasks.
  • Monitor system performance using Activity Monitor.

Example launchd Configuration:

  1. Create a plist file /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mongodb.backup.plist:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.mongodb.backup</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/local/bin/mongodump</string> <string>--db</string> <string>mydb</string> <string>--out</string> <string>/Users/username/backup/dump/</string> </array> <key>StartCalendarInterval</key> <dict> <key>Hour</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>Minute</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict> </dict> </plist>
  2. Load the plist file:
    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mongodb.backup.plist


By using these monitoring and maintenance strategies tailored for each platform, you can ensure your MongoDB databases remain healthy, performant, and secure. Regular backups, monitoring resource usage, managing indexes, profiling queries, and analyzing logs are critical tasks that can be automated and monitored using the provided tools and commands.

2. Relational Database Concepts
4. NewSQL Databases