4. NewSQL Databases
6. Database Client Tools
Oracle Tutorial - 5. Database Installation and Configuration

5.1 Introduction to Database Installation

Overview of the course objectives and topics

Importance of understanding database installation across different operating systems

Introduction to common database management systems (DBMS)

5.2 Understanding Database Software

Overview of different types of database software available

Comparison between relational, NoSQL, NewSQL, and other database types

Understanding the features and benefits of various DBMS options

5.3 Pre-Installation Planning

Assessing system requirements for the chosen DBMS on Windows, Linux, and Mac

Reviewing hardware and software prerequisites for each operating system

Planning for storage, memory, and CPU resources

5.4 Database Installation on Windows

Step-by-step guide to installing the chosen DBMS on Windows operating system

Pre-installation checks and preparations specific to Windows environment

Configuring database settings and options during installation

5.5 Database Installation on Linux

Step-by-step guide to installing the chosen DBMS on Linux operating system

Pre-installation checks and preparations specific to Linux environment

Command-line installation and configuration options for Linux distributions

5.6 Database Installation on Mac

Step-by-step guide to installing the chosen DBMS on macOS

Pre-installation checks and preparations specific to macOS environment

Installation methods and considerations for Mac users

5.7 Post-Installation Configuration

Configuring database settings and parameters after installation on each operating system

Setting up administrative accounts and privileges

Configuring network settings and access control

5.8 Database Security Configuration

Configuring security features such as authentication and authorization on Windows, Linux, and Mac

Enabling encryption and data masking for sensitive data

Setting up auditing and logging for security monitoring on each platform

5.9 Database Backup and Recovery Setup

Planning and implementing backup strategies on Windows, Linux, and Mac

Configuring backup schedules and retention policies for each operating system

Testing backup and recovery procedures on different platforms

5.10 High Availability and Disaster Recovery Setup

Configuring high availability features such as clustering and replication on each operating system

Setting up disaster recovery solutions for data protection on Windows, Linux, and Mac

Testing failover and failback procedures on different platforms

5.11 Performance Tuning and Optimization

Monitoring database performance metrics on Windows, Linux, and Mac

Identifying performance bottlenecks and tuning parameters for each operating system

Implementing indexing and query optimization techniques on different platforms

5.12 Security Best Practices and Compliance

Implementing security best practices for regulatory compliance on Windows, Linux, and Mac

Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments on each operating system

Ensuring data privacy and protection against cyber threats on different platforms

4. NewSQL Databases
6. Database Client Tools