1. Introduction to Databases
3. NoSQL Databases
Oracle Tutorial - 2. Relational Database Concepts

2.1 Introduction to Relational Databases

Overview of relational database management systems (RDBMS)

Evolution and importance of relational databases

Key concepts: Entities, attributes, relationships, and tables

2.2 Relational Data Model

Understanding the relational data model

Relational schema and its components

Keys: Primary keys, foreign keys, candidate keys

Integrity constraints: Entity integrity, referential integrity

2.3 Database Design Basics

Introduction to database design principles

Conceptual, logical, and physical database design

Normalization: First normal form (1NF) to Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF)

2.4 Structured Query Language (SQL) Basics

Overview of SQL and its role in relational databases


Querying single and multiple tables

2.5 Advanced SQL Queries

Retrieving data with advanced SELECT statements

Filtering and sorting data using WHERE and ORDER BY clauses

Aggregation functions: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN

Grouping data with GROUP BY clause

2.6 Joins and Subqueries

Understanding relational joins: INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN

Using subqueries in SQL queries

Correlated vs. non-correlated subqueries

2.7 Views and Stored Procedures

Introduction to database views

Creating and managing views in SQL

Overview of stored procedures and their advantages

2.8 Indexes and Query Optimization

Understanding database indexes and their role in query optimization

Index types: B-tree indexes, hash indexes, bitmap indexes

Strategies for optimizing SQL queries for performance

2.9 Transactions and Concurrency Control

Introduction to transactions in relational databases

ACID properties of transactions

Concurrency control mechanisms: Locking, timestamp-based protocols

2.10 Database Integrity and Security

Ensuring data integrity with constraints: Primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints

Database security concepts: Authentication, authorization, encryption

Best practices for securing relational databases

2.11 Backup and Recovery

Importance of database backup and recovery

Strategies for backing up and restoring relational databases

Disaster recovery planning and procedures

2.12 Normalization and Denormalization

Understanding the normalization process

Normal forms: First normal form (1NF) to Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF)

Denormalization and its use cases

1. Introduction to Databases
3. NoSQL Databases