13. Data Definition Language (DDL)
15. Data Query Language (DQL)
SQLite Tutorial - 14. Data Manipulation Language (DML)

14.1 Introduction to Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Overview of DML and its role in database management

Importance of DML in manipulating and retrieving data from databases

Comparison between DML and other SQL languages (DDL, DCL)

14.2 SELECT Statement

Retrieving data from a single table using SELECT

Specifying columns in the SELECT clause

Filtering data using the WHERE clause

14.3 Joins

Performing inner joins between tables

Using aliases for table names

Performing outer joins (LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN)

14.4 Subqueries

Writing subqueries within SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and HAVING clauses

Correlated vs. non-correlated subqueries

Using subqueries for filtering and aggregation

14.5 Set Operations

Combining query results with UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT

Understanding set operations and their usage

14.6 INSERT Statement

Inserting data into a table using INSERT INTO

Inserting data from another table with SELECT INTO

14.7 UPDATE Statement

Updating existing records in a table with UPDATE

Specifying conditions for updating records with the WHERE clause

14.8 DELETE Statement

Deleting records from a table using DELETE FROM

Specifying conditions for deleting records with the WHERE clause

14.9 Transactions and Transaction Control

Introduction to transactions in database management

Committing and rolling back transactions

Setting transaction isolation levels

14.10 Data Manipulation with Views

Updating data through views using the WITH CHECK OPTION clause

Inserting and deleting data through views

14.11 Data Manipulation Best Practices and Performance

Best practices for efficient data manipulation

Optimizing DML statements for performance

Using indexes and query optimization techniques

14.12 Advanced DML Techniques

Using MERGE statement for performing insert, update, and delete operations in a single statement

Using the OUTPUT clause to return information about affected rows

Using Common Table Expressions (CTEs) for complex data manipulation

13. Data Definition Language (DDL)
15. Data Query Language (DQL)