18. Query Optimization
20. Database Security
SQLite Tutorial - 19. Transaction Management

19.1 Introduction to Transaction Management

Overview of transaction management in database systems

Importance of ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)

Transactions as units of work in database operations

19.2 Transaction States and Lifecycle

Understanding the lifecycle of a transaction

Different states of a transaction (Active, Partially Committed, Committed, Aborted)

Role of the transaction manager in managing transaction states

19.3 Concurrency Control

Introduction to concurrency control mechanisms

Ensuring data consistency in concurrent transactions

Challenges of concurrent access to shared data

19.4 Locking Mechanisms

Overview of locking mechanisms in transaction management

Types of locks: Shared locks, exclusive locks, intention locks

Lock granularities and lock modes

19.5 Two-Phase Locking (2PL) Protocol

Principles of two-phase locking

Strict 2PL vs. Conservative 2PL

Deadlock detection and prevention strategies

19.6 Timestamp-Based Concurrency Control

Introduction to timestamp-based concurrency control

Assigning timestamps to transactions and data items

Validation and serialization based on timestamps

19.7 Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC)

Understanding multi-version concurrency control

Maintaining multiple versions of data items

Read and write operations in MVCC systems

19.8 Isolation Levels

Overview of transaction isolation levels (Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, Serializable)

Effects of isolation levels on data consistency and concurrency

19.9 Transaction Logging and Recovery

Role of transaction logs in ensuring durability

Logging techniques: Binary Log (binlog), Write-ahead logging (WAL), undo logging, redo logging

Crash recovery and transaction rollback procedures

19.10 Distributed Transactions

Introduction to distributed transactions

Challenges of distributed concurrency control and atomicity

Two-phase commit (2PC) protocol for distributed transaction coordination

19.11 Optimistic Concurrency Control

Principles of optimistic concurrency control

Versioning and timestamp comparison for conflict resolution

Advantages and limitations of optimistic concurrency control

19.12 Advanced Topics and Emerging Trends

High-performance transaction processing techniques

Transaction management in cloud databases and distributed systems

Future directions in transaction management research and development

18. Query Optimization
20. Database Security