2. Relational Database Concepts
4. NewSQL Databases
SQLServer Tutorial - 3. NoSQL Databases

3.1 Introduction to NoSQL Databases

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

Overview of NoSQL databases and their characteristics

Key differences between NoSQL and relational databases

3.2 Types of NoSQL Databases

Document-oriented databases

Key-value stores

Columnar databases

Graph databases

Wide-column stores

3.3 Document-Oriented Databases

Understanding document-oriented database models

Examples of document-oriented databases (e.g., MongoDB, Couchbase)

Working with JSON/BSON documents

3.4 Key-Value Stores

Introduction to key-value stores

Examples of key-value stores (e.g., Redis, Amazon DynamoDB)

Use cases and advantages of key-value stores

3.5 Columnar Databases

Overview of columnar database architecture

Examples of columnar databases (e.g., Apache Cassandra, HBase)

Working with column families and wide rows

3.6 Graph Databases

Understanding graph database models

Examples of graph databases (e.g., Neo4j, Amazon Neptune)

Modeling and querying graph data

3.7 Wide-Column Stores

Introduction to wide-column store databases

Examples of wide-column stores (e.g., Apache Cassandra, Google Bigtable)

Data modeling with wide-column databases

3.8 NoSQL Data Modeling

Data modeling techniques for NoSQL databases

Schema design considerations

Normalization vs. denormalization in NoSQL databases

3.9 Querying NoSQL Databases

Query languages for NoSQL databases

Examples of query languages (e.g., MongoDB Query Language, Cassandra Query Language)

Indexing and querying strategies

3.10 Scaling and Performance Optimization

Horizontal vs. vertical scaling in NoSQL databases

Partitioning and sharding strategies

Performance optimization techniques

3.11 Data Consistency and Concurrency Control

Consistency models in NoSQL databases

Eventual consistency vs. strong consistency

Concurrency control mechanisms in distributed NoSQL systems

3.12 NoSQL Database Administration

Installation and configuration of NoSQL database systems

Backup and recovery strategies

Monitoring and maintenance of NoSQL databases

2. Relational Database Concepts
4. NewSQL Databases