16. Data Control Language (DCL)
18. Query Optimization
SQLServer Tutorial - 17. Transaction Control Language (TCL)

17.1 Introduction to Transaction Control Language (TCL)

Overview of TCL and its role in database transaction management

Importance of TCL in controlling transaction behavior and ensuring data integrity

Comparison between TCL and other SQL languages (DDL, DML, DCL)

17.2 COMMIT Statement

Committing transactions with the COMMIT statement

Finalizing changes made by transactions and making them permanent

Ensuring data consistency and durability through transaction commits

17.3 ROLLBACK Statement

Rolling back transactions with the ROLLBACK statement

Undoing changes made by transactions and restoring data to its original state

Handling transaction failures and ensuring data integrity

17.4 SAVEPOINT Statement

Setting savepoints within transactions with the SAVEPOINT statement

Creating intermediate checkpoints for partial transaction rollback

Partially rolling back transactions to specific savepoints

17.5 Transaction Management Best Practices

Best practices for effective transaction management

Understanding transaction boundaries and granularity

Optimizing transaction control for performance and data integrity

17.6 Error Handling and Transaction Recovery

Handling errors and exceptions within transactions

Implementing error handling mechanisms with TRY...CATCH blocks

Recovering from transaction errors and failures

17.7 Isolation Levels and Transaction Control

Understanding the impact of isolation levels on transaction behavior

Setting isolation levels to control concurrency and consistency

Choosing appropriate isolation levels based on application requirements

17.8 Nested Transactions

Introduction to nested transactions and transaction savepoints

Nesting transactions within other transactions

Managing nested transactions and savepoints effectively

17.9 Concurrency Control and Locking

Coordinating access to shared resources through concurrency control mechanisms

Understanding locking and its impact on transaction behavior

Avoiding deadlocks and contention through proper locking strategies

17.10 Transaction Logs and Recovery

Understanding transaction logs and their role in transaction recovery

Logging transactional changes for durability and recoverability

Recovering transactions from transaction logs in case of failures

17.11 Distributed Transactions

Managing distributed transactions across multiple databases or systems

Coordinating distributed transactions with two-phase commit (2PC) protocol

Ensuring consistency and atomicity in distributed transaction processing

17.12 Transaction Control in Advanced Scenarios

Handling long-running transactions and resource-intensive operations

Implementing compensating transactions for data consistency

Transaction control in cloud-based and distributed environments

16. Data Control Language (DCL)
18. Query Optimization