
🔰 PHP Programming Tutorial 17 - Delete data in Database using CodeIgniter 4 🔰


In this example, we will discuss how to delete a record or data from the MySQL database using the CodeIgniter.

Controller: 	User.php		app/Controllers/User.php Model:		UserModel.php		app/Models/UserModel.php View:		list.php		app/Views/list.php


$routes->add('user/list', 'User::list'); $routes->get('user/delete/(:num)', 'User::delete/$1');


<?php namespace App\Controllers;  use App\Models\UserModel;  class User extends BaseController {  	public function __construct() {  		$db = db_connect(); 		$this->userModel = new UserModel($db); 	}  	public function add() { 		$this->load->view('add'); 	}  	public function list() { 		$data['result']	= $this->userModel->list(); 		echo view('list', $data); 	}  	public function delete($id) { 		$result = $this->userModel->delete($id); 		if($result) { 			echo "User record is deleted successfully."; 		} else { 			echo "Something went wrong"; 		}  	} }


<?php  namespace App\Models;  use CodeIgniter\Model; use CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface;  class UserModel extends Model { 	 	protected $db; 	public function __construct(ConnectionInterface &$db) { 		$this->db =& $db; 	}  	public function list() { 		return $this->db                         ->table('user_info')                         ->get()                         ->getResult(); 	}  	public function delete($id) { 		return $this->db                         ->table('user_info')                         ->where(["id" => $id])                         ->delete(); 	} 	 }


<table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> 	<tr style="background:#CCC"> 		<th>Sr No</th> 		<th>First_name</th> 		<th>Last_name</th> 		<th>Email Id</th> 		<th>Delete</th> 	</tr> 	<?php $i=1; foreach($result as $row) {  		echo "<tr>";  		echo "<td>".$i. "</td>";  		echo "<td>".$row->first_name."</td>"; 		echo "<td>".$row->last_name."</td>";  		echo "<td>".$row->email."</td>";  		echo "<td><a href="<?php echo base_url('user/delete'.$row->id) ?>">Delete</a></td>"; 		echo "</tr>"; $i++; } ?> </table>

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