Oracle DBA Tutorial
* How to install Oracle 23ai in Oracle Linux 9 *
Installing Oracle 23c AI on Oracle Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide
This guide outlines the process for installing and configuring Oracle Database 23ai on Oracle Linux 8. The same steps are applicable to Oracle Linux 9. For this installation, we will use the Oracle Database 23ai RPM package.
Prerequisites for Oracle 23ai
Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that the required prerequisites are met. Oracle provides a pre-installation package to simplify this process.
Step 1: Install the Pre-Install Package
Run the following command to install the pre-install package using dnf:
dnf install -y oracle-database-preinstall-23ai
Step 2: Download the Oracle 23ai RPM Package
Use wget to download the RPM package directly from Oracle's official repository:
Installing Oracle 23ai
Log in as the root user and execute the following command to install the downloaded RPM package:
dnf install -y oracle-database-free-23ai-1.0-1.el9.x86_64.rpm
After installation, configure the database instance:
/etc/init.d/oracle-free-23ai configure
When prompted, set a password for the SYS and SYSTEM users.
Setting Up the Oracle Environment
Switch to the oracle user:
su - oracle
Open the .bash_profile file to define environment variables:
vi .bash_profile
Add the following lines:
# .bash_profile
# Load user-specific environment
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# Oracle environment variables
export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
Save the file and apply the changes:
. .bash_profile
Starting and Connecting to the Oracle 23ai Database
Launch SQL*Plus and start the Oracle database:
sqlplus / as sysdba
Inside SQL*Plus, start the database and verify the Pluggable Databases (PDBs):
SQL> startup;
SQL> show pdbs;
Your Oracle 23ai installation is now complete and ready for use!
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Thanks & Regards,
Chitt Ranjan Mahto "Chirag"
Note: All scripts used in this demo will be available in our website.
Link will be available in description.